I have a question (probably 2) about dealing with wildlife (hawks, specifically) and interacting with them around my home.

My first question deals with a fresh hawk kill in my backyard - if I want to keep them around (for rodent control) should I leave the kill or clean it up?

And the follow up (pending answers to the first question) would be about safely cleaning it up so I minimize the spread of disease.

A separate 3rd question deals with the rabbit itself. I have the very strong feeling the rabbit is female who has spent time in our yard in the past years. Once or twice in the last few years, I have stumbled across the nest. Since I'm guessing this is the same rabbit, I am guessing the nest is somewhere in the yard. If I find it, is there anything that I can/should do to save the bunnies?

Are any of questions, or all on-topic here? Or do I need to find another SE site? The on-topic page only says:

The Great Outdoors Stack Exchange is for people who love outdoor activities, excursions, and outdoorsmanship.

so that does't really help me understand whether questions of this sort would be welcome.


1 Answer 1


I'd say your questions are OK for the main site.

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