
Is Slack down? ❌


Slack is a cloud-based collaboration platform designed for team communication and collaboration. It provides a wide range of features such as instant messaging, file sharing, and project management to help teams stay connected and work together effectively. Slack allows users to create channels for different topics or projects, and team members can join or leave these channels as needed

No problems at Slack

Past Incidents


Looks like we have a @SlackHQ outage


lol that in @slackstatus when you press up (to select a message), r (to open the emoji), and type "np" (for our custom "no problem" emoji), and press enter... it sends the "thank you" emoji. Why? Because correctly conveying your intent isn't important!


Anyone else not getting @SlackHQ messages on MacOS? There are some messages that only show up on my iPhone and I have no idea if it’s a Slack or a network issue


But Windows will be slowed down if you open 10 tabs in Chrome... here you go... my computer is currently running slack, vscode, wsl2, chrome with idk how many tabs, WhatsApp telegram excel, terminal and what not


Slack today in not friday, so fix your servers there please, thanks.


Family: Did you hear about the AT&T outage? Me: Yeah. Family: Stinks how service went out. Me: Yeah. I use three separate carriers, if one goes out the other two pick up the slack. Lol. (True)


Balancing #Synchronous (Slack, Skype) & #Asynchronous (Email, PRs) communication is key for developers! 🧑‍💻 Use real-time tools for quick chats & urgent issues. Opt for system-based channels for detailed discussions & documentation. 📧🔄 #DevTips #Productivity #RemoteWork


How do I report an issue with a feature if the "Report Issue" feature is broken? @SlackHQ


START: Slack began as a gaming company called Tiny Speck, developing an online game called Glitch. IDEA: Pivoted to their internal communication tool. RESULT: Slack became a leading collaboration platform Lesson: Your side project might be the goldmine. #buildinpublic #pivot


Life of a devrel that’s also digital nomading: Stuck on a plane in Paris for 4 hours cause plane issue. But staying locked in with devs across TG, Slack, and Discord on my phone cause duty calls 😭 Have barely slept since leaving NYC yesterday lol


It would be much better to use Discord over Slack The Posts channel is perfect for sharing issues with your team for example. We just need: - A less "gaming" interface - "Company" servers with high data protection I’m willing to pay for that.


Love Slack's clever "easter egg" for error messages, which says "There's been a Glitch" and shows a scene from Slack's precursor, the game Glitch. This witty reference to Slack's origins made me smile and reminded me of founder @stewart's delightful sense of humor.


Never ki ki with your COWORKERS on slack, that is a cardinal error


Instagram should also have a set to offline feature similar to slack.


Anybody else's slack accounts go down yesterday? Admins got booted off their account, so no logging back in or admitting yourself.


There should be an AI agent in @SlackHQ that prompt an error message that says "You and your friend are not on the same page AT ALL! Keep slacking!"


7:30a Getting eMail down to zero, loading tasks in @SlackHQ for the team.


if you try to search for the slack app on your iphone, it will not find the app @SlackHQ but if you go to the app store and search you can find it, then click 'open' what gives? i used to see this problem with tenor @gifkeyboard but now it works again??!!


5️⃣ new things @LiteLLM 🔥 Slack alerting - detect Region Outages 🎉 Control slack alerting thresholds on UI 🛠️ Bedrock PTU fix 💪 Control key caching ttl 🛠️ `/models` - Return only models team has access to


. @SlackHQ I believe I've discovered a bug. How do I submit it?


Admin by Request is irritating as ****. Was even causing issues with Slack updates yesterday.


ChatGPT being down is the new Slack being down.


Slack, the popular workplace communication platform, has hit a rough patch. Recent issues related to its use of machine learning (ML) technology have sparked heated discussions about user privacy and data protection. #UserData #PrivacyConcerns #TechEthics #DataProtection


Is it just me or you too guys the app Slack doesn't work for you from time to time? I have been having this issue forever now


Looking for input 👀: has anyone used @SlackHQ bolt app SDK successfully on @CloudflareDev workers? I hit a node version mismatch error when running it locally with node compatibility set to true and wanted to know if there's a sneaky way around it. Thanks in advance!


I still haven’t really forgiven Slack for shutting down Glitch. The one video game I’ve ever loved!


7a Back at my desk, getting email down to zero. Loading task in @SlackHQ for Mae to distribute to the team today. Let’s do this!


Outage Update | NLD | Durban Station <> Amanzimtoti via ADVA | Vendor techs got slack and are busy preparing to splice 1st cable


@stackcook There might have been some slack, I agree. Overcrowding has always existed but it has become more now and is getting greater attention. The problem will be resolved totally in a few years. As far as cleanliness is concerned, both the passengers and the Railways need to improve.


BYU has plated three runs to seize an 8-7 lead with an infield error by Brady Day and wild pitch by JJ Slack. Cougars have applied pressure and K-State hasn't responded well.