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fontanf's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 7 months
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16 votes

Ideal programming language for an operations researcher

10 votes

Optimization Solution Framework

10 votes

Order in which you Stack Groceries in your Car's Trunk : An Optimization Problem?

8 votes

VRP book recommendations

7 votes

How to tackle this VRP variant?

7 votes

Metaheuristics vs Column generation for VRP

7 votes

Can Local Search Operators be formulated as a Mixed Integer Program?

6 votes

Bounding function for branch-and-bound in game tree search

6 votes

What is the state-of-art (in industry and academy) of this scheduling + routing problem?

5 votes

How to solve large scale generalized assignment problem

5 votes

Using LR-based method to solve mixed integer programming

5 votes

Assembly line balancing: What does machine precedence mean?

5 votes

Dividing machines into groups of equal sizes so that each group has approximately same productivity

5 votes

Efficiency of Forward vs. Backward Recursion in Dynamic Programming

5 votes

What strategies to use for Scheduling of Connected Sequences?

5 votes

Dynamic program for knapsack in $O(W)$ space?

5 votes

Puzzles of branch and price algorithm

5 votes

MIP Model with relaxed integer constraints takes longer to solve than normal model, why?

4 votes

Optimize selection of metal sheets to keep in stock

4 votes

How to turn off tree search in fico xpress ? Couldn't see relevant documentation

4 votes

The variable splitting scheme in the context of Lagrangian relaxation

4 votes

Strong branching scores when objective function is constant

4 votes

Determining the problem type - Vehicle Routing - Task assignment

4 votes

Subtour elimination implementation (DFJ) using Python (PULP). While loop never exits

4 votes

Counter-intuitive results in OR

4 votes

Solving Capacitated VRP with multiple various sized vehicles

3 votes

How to determine least time required to complete all tasks?

3 votes

Breadth First Search vs. Best First Search

3 votes

If you can not take the derivative of your objective function - is "convexity" irrelevant?

3 votes

Cutoff parameter in Gurobi - does it help with solve time at all?