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Questions tagged [minimax]

For questions relating to optimization problems in which the goal is to minimize the maximum value of some function (or maximize the minimize the value).

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How to model $\max\limits_{x\in X} \min\limits_{y\in Y} \max\limits_{z\in Z} f(z)$ as single MILP

I have the following optimization problem: \begin{align*} \max\limits_{x\in X} &\min\limits_{y\in Y} \max\limits_{z\in Z} & f(z) \\ &\text{such that} & (x, y, z)\in P \end{align*} ...
graphtheory123's user avatar
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Changing the order of $\sup$ and $\inf$

I have a problem in the following form \begin{align} \begin{array}{cll} \sup_{\theta \in \mathrm{dom}(f)} & \inf_{z \in \mathbb{R}^n} & \underbrace{f(\theta)}_{\text{concave in $\theta$}} + \...
independentvariable's user avatar
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Is there any "not bad" algorithm that can solve the minimax problem in 0/1 integer programming?

As title, recently I got a minimax problem, after formalizing, the model is like this. $$\text{minimise } \max_{k \in K} \sum_{i \in I} b_{i,k} \cdot f_i$$ such that: $$ \forall i \in I,\, \sum_{k \in ...
Yiichan Sun's user avatar
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Correct way to set a quadratic constraint Xpress

I'm implementing on Xpress a problem with different solution proposed on a paper. The idea is to decompose a matrix $X$ into a convex sum $\sum_{t}\lambda_t M^{(t)}$, where each $M^{(t)}$ has only ...
Davide Trono's user avatar
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Maximize the minimal distance between true variables in a list

I'm using the OR-Tools CP-SAT solver on a list of $n$ boolean variables $x_i$. I'm trying to maximize the minimal distance between two true variables in this list, as illustrated by the following ...
Blackhole's user avatar
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How to create distinct groups in LP?

Say you have the following table: Season Crop Price Spring Cauliflower 175g Spring Coffee 15g Summer Blueberry 50g Fall Beet 100g Fall Eggplant 60g I want to choose the best selling crop for ...
bosois 's user avatar
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How do we call this optimization problem?

Let $f_k\colon\Bbb R^n\to\Bbb R$, $k=1,\dots,K$, be differentiable (possibly nonconvex) functions and $X\subset\Bbb R^n$ be a convex set. Consider the following optimization problem: $$ \min_{x\in X}\...
Keith's user avatar
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Minimax MILP problem

I have a MILP model which defines a relation between three real variables $x$, $y$ and $s$ where $s = f(x,y)$. I want to optimize the following objective: $$\min_x\max_y s$$ How can I achieve it? EDIT:...
Daniele 's user avatar
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How to model a max-min-max problem?

Everyone knows how to model max-min or min-max problems. I have a problem with objective to maximize min-max. So it can be called as a max-min-max problem. Any ideas how to model it efficiently? The ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Solving minimax problems with Gurobi

I want to solve a problem of the form $\min_x\max_y f(x,y)$ using Gurobi, where $x,y\in [0,1]$. Is there a simple way to model this in Gurobi? I've seen examples where the domain of $y$ is finite, but ...
Eli C's user avatar
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Convex-Constrained Nonconvex-Nonconcave Minimax Problem

In the mathematical optimization theory, I have taken a glance at many papers which deal with the unconstrained convex-concave or nonconvex-concave minimax optimization, i.e., $$ \min_{x\in X}\ \max_{...
Keith's user avatar
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Continuous minimax with linear objective and constraints

How to solve the following minimax problem quickly? The variables are all continuous. $$\max_{x_{1}, x_{4}, x_{5}} \min_{x_2,x_3} \vec{c}^{\intercal} \vec{x}$$ subject to the following constraints: $$...
Qurious Cube's user avatar
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MLE application with gekko in python

I want to implement MLE (Maximum likelihood estimation) with gekko package in python. Suppose that we have a DataFrame that ...
Shayan's user avatar
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Minimax problem with a large high dimensional feasible region

How to solve minimax mixed integer problem with a large high dimensional feasible region? \begin{aligned} \max_{\vec{x}}\min_{\vec{y}} \quad & \vec{r} \cdot \vec{x} + \vec{s} \cdot \vec{y}\\ \...
Qurious Cube's user avatar
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Simplified risk game: writing a pratical Minimax objective for mixed integer programming

Problem To ensure fairness of the game, I am writing a bot that plays against itself. I have trouble rewriting a minimax objective to a practical maximization in mixed integer programming. The amount ...
Qurious Cube's user avatar

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