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For questions about optimization over a discrete solution space.

3 votes

If you can not take the derivative of your objective function - is "convexity" irrelevant?

If you formulate your problem as a MILP, then the formulation is convex since it is linear, but that doesn't change much for you. If you formulate it as a MINLP, (Quadratic Assignment for example), th …
fontanf's user avatar
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10 votes

Order in which you Stack Groceries in your Car's Trunk : An Optimization Problem?

Three-dimensional packing is a well studied class of problems. One of the main applications is indeed truck loading. See this review which lists the different kinds of constraints considered: Bortfel …
fontanf's user avatar
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2 votes

complexity Partitioning with negative numbers

Let $I = \{a_i, i = 1, \dots, n \}$ be an instance of "Partition with only positive numbers" that we want to solve. Let $I' = \{4 a_i, i = 1, \dots, n \} \cup \{ -1, -1 \}$ be an instance of "Partiti …
fontanf's user avatar
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0 votes

2D bin packing where some items must be packed in the same bin?

@prubin suggested an approach based on a Dantig-Wolfe decomposition. Here is another idea based on a Benders decomposition. Solve the one-dimensional version of the problem. In this case, each order …
fontanf's user avatar
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4 votes

Solving Capacitated VRP with multiple various sized vehicles

I'm not an expert in Vehicle Routing Problems, maybe someone else will have something more relevant to propose. I think that a good starting point is this article: "Efficiently solving very large-scal …
fontanf's user avatar
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4 votes

Optimize selection of metal sheets to keep in stock

If I understand well your problem, a good way to tackle it is to model it as an integer linear program and solve it with a mixed-integer linear programming solver, such as CBC, SCIP or Highs for the f …
fontanf's user avatar
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2 votes

Priotization rules for variable allocation in linear programming

A prioritization rule is applied to the variables $zn_{t}$ and $z_{t}$. The model initially attempts to satisfy the constraint using $zn_{t}$. However, if $zn_{t}$ proves inadequate, the model then …
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