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Questions tagged [indicator-constraints]

For questions on constraints controlled by binary variables.

3 votes
1 answer

Model ```a > 0 implies b = 1```, where a is unbounded above

I want to model if a > 0 then b = 1, where a is an unbounded above continuous variable and ...
J. Dionisio's user avatar
3 votes
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Reformulate constraints

I have the following constraints and am wondering whether I can formulate the whole thing more narrowly and with fewer constraints. $x_{itk}$ is binary and $u_{it}, v_{itk}\in [0,1]$. $M$ is a Big-M ...
manofthousandnames's user avatar
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Why are these two constraint equations not equivalent?

I've made a CP Model of an hospital in ILOG CPLEX and I want to test the performance of the CPLEX version of it. In my CP model, I have the following constraint : ...
Marcocorico's user avatar
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Converting a piecewise function to linear equations

I am trying to build a MILP model. In this model, I have a dependent variable (alpha) that its value depends on the value of some other variables (or different combination of some other variables). In ...
Sam's user avatar
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Logical conditions

This is similar to question I asked here: Priotization rules for variable allocation in linear programming. In an optimization problem, the goal is to manage the purchase and sale of items under ...
Lemma's user avatar
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Priotization rules for variable allocation in linear programming

I’m working on an optimization problem and need help with correctly prioritizing the allocation of certain variables in a constraint. The rules are: Only one of the variables $y_{t}$, $zn_{t}$ and $...
Lemma's user avatar
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Mixed Integer programming, the big M

In the constraints below, why have they used the big M? What do we look for in order to identify the big M in other questions?
uni_lad's user avatar
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Matrix lookup modelling variants

As part of a bigger model I have a matrix of variables $x_{ij} \geq 0$ and a "selector" set of variables $y_j \in \{0,1\}, \sum_j y_j = 1$. From $x_{ij}$ I'd like to get the variables of ...
Christian's user avatar
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if else condition with multiple criteria in MIP

I have problem like below Decision variable x1 >= 0 But it depends on selection variable s1 as binary variable If s1 = 0 then x1= 0 and if s1 = 1 then x1>0 how I can write this as constraint for ...
IEOR's user avatar
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Formulation for choosing how many items to manufacture

I am working on a scheduler for a manufacturing plant. I have currently set it up so the decision variables are set up as binary variables: $x_{m,p,s}$ = 1 if machine m is running part p on shift s ...
Dano's user avatar
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Linearization of Conditional Constraints for MIP using Cplex

I'm currently working on a mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem and I'm trying to implement a set of conditional constraints in CPlex. These constraints involve decision variables that are indexed ...
B.Kim's user avatar
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The rule of the slack variable in an indicator constraint

In some cases I have seen, the indicator constraint can be written as indcons(expression, binary_var). Then it is interpreted as follows: $$LHS - slack (\leq = \geq)...
A.Omidi's user avatar
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Modelling a binary variable in LPs

I need your help. I'm setting up an LP and I'm trying to find constraints to introduce the binary varibale $b_{ij}$. So it should take the value 0 if the sum of all $a_{ij}$ values to the period t are ...
Karl Seidl's user avatar
5 votes
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Rewriting if-then constraints of binary summations

Suppose both $x_{i,j}^{ab}$ and $y_{i,j}^a$ are binaries. Then how can I rewrite the following if-then in linear form? $\sum_b x_{i,j}^{ab} \ge 1 \implies \sum_{i,j} y_{i,j}^a = 0$ I was thinking of ...
linkho's user avatar
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Assistance in formulating implication constraints for inequalities

I would like to seek some advice on modeling the following logical implications, where $\delta$ is a binary variable, $D_{j}$ and $A_{j}$ are nonnegative discrete variables, and $p_{j}$ are ...
Mike's user avatar
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