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Questions tagged [parameter]

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SCIP optimizer parameter

I am looking for the name of the parameter in SCIP, which instructs the solver NOT to transform the $Abs(x)$, $Max(x_1,x_2,x_3,...)$ functions into a set a linear constraints (using additional ...
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Output a readable model file and control the solver parameters in Or-Tools

I am using Java to call the API of or-tools in IntelliJ IDEA to solve a mixed-integer programming problem. There are some modeling statements such as ...
Ying's user avatar
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Traversing a list data dynamically in Pyomo Abstract Model

In my PYOMO abstract model, I am reading my data file and storing some specific attributes in a list say demand=[]. I am reading the data file as follows: ...
Waqas Swati's user avatar
5 votes
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Changing a parameter while branching in SCIP

I use pyscipopt. I know how to add constraints while branching using handlers (kind of), but now I want also to change some parameters. I imagine is similar, but couldn’t found an example. What I want ...
orpanter's user avatar
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How to iterate a parameter set in docplex model?

The parameters are such as in the dataframe above. Can I iterate over this, and solve the model firstly for row 0 and then 1, ... etc.
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