
I am invoking cplexbilp (CPLEX 12.9) from Matlab R2022a. I request all 4 return arguments:

[x,fval,exitflag,output] = cplexbilp(...)

I use the variable browser to browse the 4 outputs. Nowhere is there a relative gap. I set the options to terminate at a relative gap of 1e-4 (0.01%), but I'd like to know what the actual relative gap is. I know that for lengthy enough searches, the display console will show periodic updates, but my problem is solved immediately (albeit with "numerical issues"). Will "numerical issues" prevent the appearance of a relative gap in (say) the "output" argument above, or is the relative gap simply not returned?

P.S. If instead I can just get the best-bound, it would be simple to calculate the relative gap.



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