

Facilitaire diensten

It all starts with the everyday

Over ons

Sodexo, in 1966 opgericht in Marseille door Pierre Bellon, is de wereldwijd leider in services die de 'Quality of Life’ verbeteren, een essentieel onderdeel in prestaties van organisaties en het welzijn van hun medewerkers. Sodexo is met 430.000 medewerkers actief in 45 landen. Dagelijks bedient het bedrijf 80 miljoen consumenten. Sodexo Group onderscheidt zich door zijn onafhankelijkheid, het aandeelhouderschap van de oprichtersfamilie, zijn duurzame bedrijfsmodel en zijn portfolio van activiteiten, waaronder Food Services, Facility Management Services, Technical Services en Hybrid Working Services. Vanaf dag één richt Sodexo zich via haar diensten op tastbare alledaagse acties om een positieve economische, sociale en ecologische impact te hebben voor de lange termijn.. Voor ons gaan groei en maatschappelijke betrokkenheid hand in hand. Ons doel is om het dagelijkse beter te maken voor iedereen om een beter leven te creeëren voor ons allemaal. Sodexo is opgenomen in de CAC Next 20, CAC ESG 40, FTSE 4 Good en de Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Kerncijfers 22,6 miljard euro geconsolideerde omzet in Fiscaal jaar 2022 430.000 medewerkers per 31 augustus 2022 #1 in Frankrijk gevestigde particuliere werkgever wereldwijd 45 landen 80 miljoen consumenten worden dagelijks bediend 14,3 miljard euro aan marktkapitalisatie (per 25 oktober 2022) In Nederland verzorgt Sodexo met circa 1.900 medewerkers het volledige scala aan facilitaire diensten voor het bedrijfsleven, industrie, overheidsdiensten, ziekenhuizen en offshore-installaties. Van catering, receptie, onderhoud en schoonmaak tot aan integraal facility management.

Facilitaire diensten
Meer dan 10.000 werknemers
92866 Issy les Moulineaux Cedex 9
Particuliere onderneming
workplace motivation, employee motivation program, corporate real estate, food services, facilities management en Catering


Medewerkers van Sodexo


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    Wondering what a day at the office with Modern Recipe - a Sodexo brand - looks like?  🍽️✨    From power breakfasts to long lunches, coffee catch-ups to grab-and-go, we craft dishes that are not only exciting and delicious but also great for your employees' health. With responsibly sourced ingredients, we ensure high quality without breaking the bank.     Whether you're with us for a quick bite or a leisurely meal, you'll always feel well taken care of. Dive into the Modern Recipe experience and see how we make everyday workplace dining extraordinary 👉 #Catering #Sustainability #WorkplaceDining #HealthyEating #ModernRecipe #Sodexo

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    🏆 We are thrilled to announce Sodexo has been selected as a finalist for the INDUSTRY IMPACT AWARD to be presented at this year's exciting Food Waste Action Awards next week. 🍌🌱 Sodexo's 'Circular Approach to Food Waste and Food Loss' has set us apart, showcasing our dedication to not just reducing waste but reshaping the future of how food waste is perceived and handled in our industry. With a multifaceted strategy, we hope to pave the way for more innovation and sustainable practices industry-wide. Thank you @End Food Waste Australia and all the finalists in this category for making a positive impact. We look forward to attending the awards at the 2024 National Food Waste Summit! #SodexoAustralia #EndFoodWasteAustralia #FoodWasteSummit #Sustainability #InnovationInSustainability

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    Opening the world's largest restaurant: challenge ✅ After months of hard work, our teams are finally ready to welcome the world to their table with the opening of the Athletes' Village restaurant today, July 12! For this, let's head to the Cité du Cinéma in the heart of the Athletes' Village for the #Paris2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. ✨Check out the first images 📸 👇 ------------------------------------ Ouvrir le plus grand restaurant éphémère du monde : un défi relevé ✅  Après des mois de travail, nos équipes sont enfin prêtes à accueillir le monde à leur table avec l'ouverture du restaurant du Village des Athlètes aujourd'hui, le 12 juillet. Pour ça, direction la Cité du Cinéma au cœur du Village des Athlètes des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de #Paris2024 ✨ Découvrez les premières images 📸 Sodexo Live! #Catering #Restauration #WeAreSodexo

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    Meet Eloise Turner. In 2021, after 25 years in property management, she found herself at a major career crossroads. Just when she was ready to walk away from it all, a call from a recruitment agency changed everything. "I thought, 'why not,'" she recalls. In a short time, Eloise transitioned from being a FIFO Property Manager to a DIDO Housing Manager at Sodexo, where she now oversees 650+ properties in the Pilbara. "What makes Sodexo stand out is the impact we have on our residents. It's not just about property; it's about building a community," explains Eloise. She is now flourishing, building strong relationships and relishing every moment. "I urge anyone feeling stuck in their career to consider Sodexo. I truly love what I do," she adds. Learn more about Eloise's inspiring journey and how Sodexo could be your next career move here 👉👉👉 #SodexoAustralia #TeamSodexo #BelongActThrive

    Eloise Turner - Housing Manager

    Eloise Turner - Housing Manager

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    6️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣. That's the number of people who will be working during the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games period. With just a few days to go before the start of this historic competition, we're putting the finishing touches on our preparations by training the #managers who will lead these #teams. Quality, Hygiene, Health and Safety at Work - all topics are covered to ensure a service that lives up to the event 💪 #WeAreSodexo #LeGoutDeLExploit

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    At Sodexo, we're committed to sustainable food practices. Our long-standing partnership with WWF continues to support our journey to transform our supply chains and drive the shift towards healthier, more sustainable diets. 🤝   In this insightful blog post, Lisa-Marie Huggins RNutr from WWF-UK shares key tips for improving supply chain sustainability in the food service sector. 🍎 🥕 🌍   From sustainable seafood sourcing to adopting packaging best practices, learn how food service companies can make a significant impact.   Discover how embedding sustainable approaches can fast-track progress towards climate and businesses 👉   #SustainableFood #SupplyChain #FoodService #ClimateAction #WWFPartnership

    • "If the ingredients in our food aren’t produced sustainably, then the meals they go into won’t be either. With businesses like Sodexo operating globally, the impact of sustainable procurement is potentially huge." Lisa-Marie Huggins RNutr
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    🌍 Meet Chef Sharon Mcconnell, one of last year’s winners of the Sodexo Sustainable Chef Challenge!   Sharon’s pistachio crusted celeriac steak and vegan chocolate mousse wowed the jury last year, so much that she won a true learning experience in Paris. In the previous weeks, she was able to explore vegan pastry, train with a 2-star chef, and attend inspiring culinary events. Next, she’ll take an advanced chocolatier course at the Chocolate Academy in the UK. 🍫   At Sodexo, we’re committed to nurturing talent and helping our chefs thrive in their own way. Our Cook for Change - the Sustainable Chef Challenge celebrates and develops chefs who:   Choose local ingredients 🌍 Embrace plant-based options 🌿 Opt for organic, seasonal produce 🍅 Implement efficient waste management ♻️   We’re excited to see what this year’s chefs bring to the table. Let’s Cook for Change and make a sustainable difference! 🌱👨🍳👩🍳 Bel   #Sustainability #Growth #Development #Career #SustainableChefChallenge #CookForChange #WeAreSodexo #Sodexo

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    🌈 Our teams celebrating Pride 🌈 Our Sodexo teams proudly participated in Pride parades across the globe during the whole month of June, from France to Brazil, the USA, Colombia, Mexico, Australia and Peru! 🌍✨ We're inspired by our colleagues coming together to support and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. Inclusion and diversity are at the heart of what we do, and events like these remind us of the importance of acceptance and unity. Thank you to everyone who joined us in making these celebrations so vibrant and meaningful. Together, we continue to build a more inclusive world. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 #LGBTQ #Inclusion #Diversity #Pride2024 #SodexoPride #WeAreSodexo

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    Wie beeinflusst das Klima was wir essen? 🌍 Der #Klimawandel hat bereits Spuren auf den Tellern der Deutschen hinterlassen. Die meisten haben dieses gesellschaftliche Thema grundsätzlich auf dem Schirm: 74 Prozent der Befragten betrachten den Klimawandel als eher bzw. äußerst wichtiges Thema. Das zeigt unsere aktuelle Befragung mit YouGov unter mehr als 1.000 Arbeitnehmenden. Viele sagen sogar: Für eine bessere Ökobilanz wären sie bereit, weniger Fleisch- und Milchprodukte zu kaufen, nachdem sie informiert würden, welchen Einfluss Fleisch- und Milchprodukten auf die #Ökobilanz haben. Außerdem geben 42 Prozent der Befragten an, mehr regionale Produkte zu kaufen, um dem Klimawandel entgegenzuwirken. Mehr als ein Drittel (34 Prozent) hat wegen des Klimawandels schon weniger Fleisch- und Milchprodukte verzehrt. Mehr dazu auf unserer Website, wo wir alle Ergebnisse in einem Booklet zum Download zur Verfügung stellen. Der Link befindet sich im ersten Kommentar. #FoodService #SodexoDeutschland #SustainableFood

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    We're thrilled to announce our achievements at the Canadian College and University Food Service Association annual conference! Our teams have won the People's Choice Award, Dessert of the Day Award - for the Cherry Semifreddo, and a Silver Medal during this prestigious culinary challenge. 🥈 Congratulations to Chefs Leanne English, Kenneth Webster, and Romain Chassignet for their outstanding performance and dedication. You make us proud! 🎉 -- Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer nos réalisations lors de la conférence annuelle de l'Association des services alimentaires des collèges et universités du Canada ! Nos équipes ont remporté le prix du choix du public, le prix du dessert du jour - pour le Semifreddo aux cerises, et une médaille d'argent lors de ce prestigieux défi culinaire. 🥈 Félicitations aux chefs Leanne English, Kenneth Webster et Romain Chassignet pour leur performance et leur dévouement exceptionnels. Nous sommes fiers de vous ! 🎉 #SodexoCanada #CCUFSA2024 #SodexoCampus CCUFSACanada

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