Sociale netwerkplatformen

Amsterdam, North Holland 926 volgers

All parties and events in one place

Over ons

All parties and events in one place. BASH is your place for events. From house parties to vintage markets, concerts, and festivals, plan or find them in the app. No to FOMO Find all events by your favourite organisers to never miss your top events, know what's hot through the hype score, and follow your friends to see what they are up to. Do more together Find events you want to go to with personalised recommendations. Invite anyone Invite others to events, whether invite-only or public - they can even respond without the app. Please get in touch if you have any questions or simply want to talk.

Sociale netwerkplatformen
2-10 medewerkers
Amsterdam, North Holland
Particuliere onderneming


Medewerkers van BASH


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor BASH, afbeelding

    926 volgers

    ✨ BASH Glow-Up: a Branding Story ✨ I hope you are all as 'thrilled' by my New Years resolution as I am: share more updates about BASH. Partly for clout and partly to address questions like, “But the app is done, so what do you all do all day?" So there it goes: The Branding Story of 2023! After doing some DIY branding ourselves for years, it was time to level up. We partnered up with Momkai, to professionalise the brand: resulting in the 'Find your Kind of Party' campaign with electrifying colors, sleek logo, and cool nightclub vibes. And indeed, it kick-started our best year so far. However, after BASH’s annual festive period – Amsterdam Dance Event – we noticed we weren't growing as much and fast as we knew we could...We did a huge feedback round with our users, and found out: yes, our audience now knew of our app, but.. only for nightlife. A shame, cause BASH's content is much more: there's vintage markets, art exhibitions, vinyl, wine tastings, workshops.. etc. etc. So, time for yet another level up: the BASH Glow-Up. The theme is lighter, friendlier, more vibrant, and adds some very fashionable yet somehow timeless gradients. Also, we aligned our voice with our Gen Z/Zillennial team and started featuring a wider range of events in our social media content. Now, it’s uncomfortably challenging to assign causality to branding changes, but let me describe what happened next: We gained 15,000 followers on TikTok and Instagram and amassed a combined 3,000,000 views in a month, with app usage skyrocketing. In short, this little story reminded us that branding for a consumer app is as challenging as it is important. Let me know what you think. - Joris

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor BASH, afbeelding

    926 volgers

    A Dutch, social, pre-revenue, B2C app that raised a €750K investment in The Netherlands? 🫣 Yes! We've just landed a new investment to take BASH to new cities across the Netherlands. This step forward is largely thanks to our fast-growing community in Amsterdam, who collectively fuel the fire of Hype Scores, keeping you in the loop about the hottest events. Plus, we see exponentially more friends tracking each other's plans and sending invites. We are adding fantastic angel investors to our backers, including Quinten Selhorst, Bastiaan van de Rakt, Gijsbert de Regt, Neil Currie, and Geert-Jan Smits. Their expertise in AI and scaling ventures will significantly help us as we continue on this high-growth path in the following years. We've been able to land all these new investors also thanks to our lawyers: Sjors Dobbelaar, Kenneth van Loon and Marthe Hoek. We're gearing up to enhance your event discovery and ticket management—and can't wait to bring the app to Rotterdam and Utrecht next. Join the party by downloading BASH and tell us what city we should invite next.  Get BASH:

    Investering helpt startup BASH verder op de kaart te zetten - De Ondernemer

    Investering helpt startup BASH verder op de kaart te zetten - De Ondernemer

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor BASH, afbeelding

    926 volgers

    So, last week we did a pitch in front of 40 potential investors which included a brand new demo. Maarten Oudejans worked on this demo for 3 days, and the video didn't load properly during the actual pitch. We still think it is quite cool, so here it is for your pleasure! It showcases the user experience, from discovering events to buying tickets and coordinating with friends. Let us know what you think 😄

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor BASH, afbeelding

    926 volgers

    🚀 Exciting updates Last week we introduced a couple of major updates for BASH. We’ve taken our users' feedback into account and reinvented our way of serving them with events. These updates will take the user experience to the next level. So without further ado, here is what’s new ✨ Personalised "For You" Feed - Uncover what’s happening, just for you 🎉 Our revamped feed, powered by cutting-edge AI technology, now ensures that the events you see are tailored precisely to your interests and preferences. We base it on all your interests and friends so that you can find the perfect match for you. Discover Page Makeover - Find new events more easily than ever before 🔍 We've supercharged the Discover page to make event discovery even quicker and more user-friendly. The improved layout and advanced search capabilities mean you can easily find events that truly resonate with you. No matter what you are looking for or when, use the search and tweak the results by adding your kind of filters. This feature will be pushed to the stars in the upcoming moons while we keep improving the AI we’ve implemented. With BASH, you can use the power of AI to and get more unique event experiences. With these updates, we're making it easier than ever for you to connect with the events and activities that matter most to you 🤝 Ready to explore the new BASH experience? Update your app today and start discovering events that match your vibe! 📲 #BASH #FindYourKindOfParty #AI #Update #ForYou #Discover #Personalisation #Events #App

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor BASH, afbeelding

    926 volgers

    🚀 Updates We're thrilled to introduce a couple of our latest updates that will take the event experience on BASH to new heights 🎉 📸 This week: picture sharing Capture and share your best moments with our new picture sharing features. Now, it's simpler than ever to share pics, let the app turn them into event highlights, and engage with each other's pictures. This way, you will always be able to find your best memories easily. Besides, organisers will be able to upload their event pics directly to their audience. ✨ Coming very soon: BASH Perks In August, we're launching BASH Perks, a program that rewards users with exclusive benefits, such as free wardrobe service or a complimentary drink if they RSVP via BASH. Organisers who offer this gain increased exposure and promotion on BASH in exchange. This way, everyone involved benefits! Several organisers have already signed-up for this and we can’t wait for this to be live. 💬 Chat announcements Communication is key for organisers, and we're making it easier than ever to connect with your audience. With our new chat announcements feature, organisers can effortlessly reach attendees with important updates & exciting news.   Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to improve our app. #BASH #Events #FindYourKindofParty

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