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We have a number of big challenges in the immediate future, but I think the biggest one of all will be the long tail of compatibility and correctness issues that inevitably awaits us after everything falls into place.

This is definitely more than a hobby at this point. I already manage 3 employees, with 3 more joining in the next month!

I hope that you continue your herculean efforts to investigate the specs and insist on correctness; the resulting implementations, dug up inconsistencies and edge cases will undoubtedly be of independent interest and invaluable to the community.

> We have a number of big challenges in the immediate future, but I think the biggest one of all will be the long tail of compatibility and correctness issues

No kidding... how about get it roughly working on hacker news, and make it the hackers way to start each day, and pull in as much help and community as possible from here?

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