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Fast Facts

Fast Facts
Samsung Electronics


  • Jong-Hee (JH) Han,
    Vice Chairman and CEO

    Device eXperience

  • YoungHyun (YH) Jun,
    Vice Chairman

    Device Solutions

Financial Performance * Based on FY 2023 consolidated statement.(KRW trillion)



Operating Profit


Net Profit


R&D Expenditure



  • Samsung Electronics is divided into two divisions, DX (Device eXperience) and DS (Device Solutions),
    operated independently according to product characteristics.
    The DX Division produces and sells finished products such as TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners,
    smartphones, network systems, computers and medical equipment.

    DX (Device eXperience) Division

    • Visual Display Business

    • Digital Appliances Business

    • MX (Mobile eXperience) Business

    • Networks Business

    • Health & Medical Equipment Business

  • Samsung Electronics is divided into two divisions, DX (Device eXperience) and DS (Device Solutions),
    operated independently according to product characteristics. The DS Division consists of the Memory Semiconductor Business,
    System LSI Business and Foundry Business, which produce and sell semiconductor components such as
    DRAM, NAND Flash and mobile APs.

    DS (Device Solutions) Division

    • Memory Business

    • System LSI Business

    • Foundry Business

Leading Innovation

Samsung Electronics envisions "AI for All: Connectivity in the Age of AI" through technological innovations such as AI,
5G and 6G networks and automotive electronics.

  • Artificial

  • 5G & 6G

  • Automotive

  • Robotics


A total of over 260,000 Samsung employees work at more than 230 global bases in 76 countries. (As of late 2023)

  • 267,860Employees
  • more than 230 Global Bases
  • 76Countries
  • 15Regional Offices
  • 32Production Sites
  • 40R&D Centers
  • 7Design Centers
  • 109Sales Offices

Environmental Strategy

Samsung Electronics has been committed to environmental management since our Environmental Declaration in 1992.
In line with our vision that the environment is the future, we have established a New Environmental Strategy in 2022 with specific goals and implementation methods to contribute to the preservation of our planet.

  • * Environmental Declaration in 1992
  • Green Management Vision in 2009
  • New Environmental Strategy in 2022
  • Net Zero

  • Resource

  • Technological

Performance in 2022

Target by 2030

Target by 2050

Net Zero

Performance in 2022

- 10.16 million tons of GHG reduced
59% increase YoY

- 8,704 GWh of renewable energy used globally
31% transition rate reached

- 16% increase in energy use efficiency in leading models across seven major product categories* compared to 2019
* Smartphones, TVs, refrigerators, washers, air conditioners, PCs and monitors

Target by 2030

- Transition to 100% renewable energy for all global business sites and DX Division by 2027

- Achieve net zero emissions for all operations in the DX Division

- Improve power consumption levels by 30% in leading models across seven major product categories*

Target by 2050

- Achieve net zero emissions across all global business sites


Performance in 2022

- 99 thousand tons of plastic with recycled resin used
200% increase YoY

- 601 thousand tons of electronic waste collected
※ Cumulative amount from 2009-2022: 5.7 million tons

- Highest grade in Zero Waste to Landfill certification for five DX Division and seven DS Division global business sites

Target by 2030

- Incorporate recycled resin into 50% of plastic parts used in products

- Collect 10 million tons of electronic waste since 2009 through expanded collection system

- Obtain Zero Waste to Landfill certification at all business sites by 2025

Target by 2050

- Incorporate recycled resin into 100% of plastic used in products by 2050

- Collect 25 million tons of electronic waste cumulatively


Performance in 2022

- Established Circular Economy Lab specializing in the development and application of material recycling technologies

Target by 2030

- Apply carbon capture technology to semiconductor production sites and expand its application companywide and in the supply chain

- Develop fine dust pollution reduction technology and utilize in local communities

Target by 2050

- Remove pollutants generated during the semiconductor production process in DS Division and restore used water to its natural state with minimal environmental impact prior to discharge by 2040