So I have a 2.5Gbps NIC on my server PC, but my main questions are: note: I'm using consumer grade switches

  1. will a 2.5Gbps switch split the load with two 1 Gbps switch?
  2. will the 1Gbps be better on internal switching than the multiple switches?

enter image description here

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    – Zac67
    Commented Apr 13 at 16:26

1 Answer 1


That depends on your workloads.

The left-hand topology has slightly higher latencies, in the range of microseconds - usually not noticeable. However, the server could serve multiple clients on different access switches with up to 2 Gbit/s in total.

The right-hand topology has slightly lower latency but the server can only deliver or receive 1 Gbit/s in total.

  • Thank you, my workload consist of spikes of 1Gbps per client connected. My target is 10 total clients, so worst case scenario is 10 Gbps of sudden bandwidth. By this, I should go for the left topology right?
    – randomaire
    Commented Mar 14 at 12:32
  • That workload description is not sufficient. How do requests systematically overlap? How frequent are requests/responses, so what chance is there for random overlap? 10 Gbps of sudden bandwidth isn't possible in either scenario with the single server. If clients communication between themselves (again, workloads? pairings?), they're in a server role as well and the picture changes completely.
    – Zac67
    Commented Mar 14 at 12:59

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