My Bloody Valentine Wiki

The UK theatrical trailer.

My Bloody Valentine 3D is a 2009 remake of cult-classic slasher film My Bloody Valentine that was released in 1981. The film was directed by Patrick Lussier, produced by Jack Murray and written by Zane Smith and Todd Farmer. It stars Jensen Ackles as Tom Hanniger, Jaime King as Sarah, Kerr Smith as Axel, Kevin Tighe as Ben, and Tom Atkins as Burke. While many movie remakes are very close to being 1:1 adaptations, the remake of My Bloody Valentine changes a sizable portion of the plot, characters and outcomes. The movie's soundtrack was scored by Michael Wandmacher.

The 3D version of the movie was released on January 16th, 2009, with its 2D counterpart alongside it. The film received mixed reviews from critics and audience members alike (though praise generally outweighs criticism), with the 2D version not performing as well as the 3D release. It came out on DVD and Blu-Ray 4 months after initial release, on May 19, 2009. It made $100.7 million worldwide, with a budget of $15,000,00[1].

Plot (summarized)[]

A cave-in in Hanniger Mine traps seven miners; The lone survivor is Harry Warden, who killed the others with a pickaxe, and was left comatose. One year later, Harry reawakens on Valentines day. He goes on a murder spree, returning to the mineshaft where he was initially trapped. A group of teenagers are throwing a party there, and very few survive; Tom, Axel, Irene, and Sarah. The latter three escape, leaving Tom behind, when cops show up and kill Harry Warden, leaving Tom traumatized.

10 years later, Tom's father passes away, leaving him to inherit the mine. Tom returns to the town after vanishing for those 10 years, and right when he does, Harry Warden returns, killing two people, leading locals to believe that Harry Warden came back because of him.

A love triangle between him, Sarah and Axel causes drama throughout the film. Tom decides to sell the mine, which is a very unpopular decision, including with Sarah. Sarah convinces Tom not to sell it, and when he goes to the mine to inform people of this, Harry kills someone in front of him. Since Tom was the only one with the body, people suspect it was him who did it.

Tom tries to convince Sarah, Axel and a man named Ben that Harry was the one who did it, but they find it hard to believe because Harry is supposed to be dead. They visit his grave to prove this and discover that his body is missing.

Harry continues his murder spree. He kills off Ben, then Megan, one of Sarah's coworkers; The words "BE MINE 4 EVER" are written above her corpse in blood. He later breaks into Sarah & Axel's home, killing their maid and retired sheriff Burke.

Tom is certain that Axel is the killer, whereas Axel is certain that Tom is the killer, and that whoever is committing the murders is pretending to be Harry Warden. Tom gets Sarah in his car and tries to convince Sarah that it's Axel, but she doesn't believe him; Axel calls her and tells her that it's Tom, and she crashes the car trying to get away. She hides at a shack and discovers evidence that could imply that Axel is the killer.

Warden shows up again, chasing Sarah into a mineshaft. Harry vanishes and she encounters Tom and Axel, both of which are trying to convince her that the other is the killer. After a slipup-Tom revealing that he knew what was written above Megan's corpse when he only could've known if he was at the scene-It's revealed that Tom suffers from some form of split personality disorder (though this is a subject of debate) and that Harry Warden is hanging out in his head, taking over and killing people, meaning that "Tom" is responsible for the murders.

Harry comes back to front and tries to kill them, only for Sarah to shoot him and a pipe behind him that causes an explosion, and subsequently, another cave-in. They believe him to be dead, but when rescue teams arrive, he kills one of the rescuers, steals their clothing and escapes.

Plot (detailed)[]

A cave-in caused by an explosion in the north side of the Hanniger Mine traps seven miners. Six weeks later, when rescue teams arrive, they discover five dead miners, with the lone survivor being a man named Harry Warden. In order to survive, Harry killed his coworkers with a pickaxe, and shortly thereafter fell into a coma. Tom Hanniger, son of the owner of the mine, is under suspicion of the locals to have committed the murders, and is blamed for the cave-in because he failed to vent the methane lines which led to the explosion.

The following year on Valentine's day, Harry Warden wakes up from his coma, and slaughters countless people at the hospital in which he was being held. The site of the initial explosion at Hanniger Mine was abandoned, and to celebrate Valentines Day, a group of teenagers decide to hold a party at said mineshaft. Here, four main characters are introduced; Tom, his girlfriend Sarah, as well as Axel and his girlfriend, Irene. Axel and Irene head into the mineshaft, while Tom and Sarah lag behind. When Tom leaves to get a beer from his car, Sarah decides to head into the mine to find Irene & Axel. She gets scared by a teenager pretending to be Harry Warden, only for the real Harry Warden to immediately show up and send his pickaxe through the back of his skull, ripping the boy's eye out. Naturally, Sarah flees, and later runs into Irene and Axel. Axel pulls her against the wall, covering her mouth, with the group being just out of sight of Warden. Another teenager at the party arrives, looking for one of his friends-Presumably the one who died earlier-Unaware that Harry is on the prowl. Axel silently tries to warn him of the killer, but it's too late; Harry kills him. Axel, Irene, & Sarah's location is revealed in the process. The trio try to escape, and run into Tom. They manage to make it to the entrance of the mine, but Harry pulls Tom back with the pickaxe, and the others escape in a car, leaving Tom behind. Tom gets chased through the mine by Harry Warden, and just as he's about to deal the final blow, law enforcement arrives and shoots him multiple times in the back; He flees as a result. Blood spray from the gunshot is all over Tom's face, and he's left once again on the floor of the mine, traumatized, with his ears ringing and visibly on the verge of tears. Later, it's revealed that Harry's kill count this day was twenty-two individuals.

Ten years later, Tom's father passes away, and Tom inherits the mine. Tom skipped town shortly after Warden's murder spree, missing his own Dad's funeral, and leading many people to believe that he died. When he returns, it's because he wants to sell the mine, which is a widely unpopular decision, as the Hanniger Mine seems to be the town's main source of income. We are re-introduced to Sarah & Axel, who are now married with a son named Noah. Axel has become the towns sheriff, and Sarah now owns her family's grocery store. Axel is cheating on Sarah with a girl named Megan-One of Sarah's coworkers-And she's pregnant with Axel's child.


Harry Warden. Standing there. Menacingly.

Tom checks in at the Thunderbird Motel, and the movie shows us what Irene has been up to the past ten years. After having sex with a man named Frank at the motel, he reveals that he recorded them having sex without Irene's consent, and attempts to leave. Irene does not appreciate this in the slightest, and runs outside to threaten Frank; When he opens the door to his truck, Harry Warden is sitting in the drivers seat, and kills Frank with the pickaxe. Frank's camera gets knocked to the ground, and is still filming when Harry chases Irene inside. He kills both the motel owner as well as Irene.

Between the murders and video footage of Harry Warden at the crime scene, the entire town is in a panic, thinking that the killer has returned, when he was supposed to be dead 10 years ago. The cops know it can't be the real Harry, since he was killed, and suspicion is cast upon other individuals, with them believing it to be a copycat killer trying to recreate Warden's crimes.

Tom is confronted by Sarah about selling the mine, as well as his disappearance. Shortly afterward, Tom goes to the mine to find someone and inform them that he went back on his decision to sell it. Tom accompanies another miner, and when he has his back turned, talking to someone on the landline, Warden appears. He wrestles Tom into a cage that was protecting pipes, twists the latch shut with his pick, and murders the other miner while Tom watches. Other members of the mining crew arrive to see what the ruckus is all about, and Warden flees, leaving Tom with the body; Suspicion for his murder is now cast onto him, even though Tom was locked in the cage from the outside.

Later, when Tom is being patched up at the hospital, he speaks to Axel, Sarah & Ben about being attacked by Harry Warden. They don't believe him, but he's adamant about this claim; He doesn't get to get too into detail, however, as Axel and Tom bicker over Sarah, and the fact Tom still clearly has feelings for her. Axel asks Ben to tell Tom the truth about what happened to Harry Warden, but Ben refuses, so Axel tells him that Ben & retired sheriff Burke killed Harry and buried him in the woods by one of the entrances to the mine. Him, Axel, Tom, Sarah, and one of Axel's coworkers visit Warden's grave, only to discover that his body is no longer there; Axel asks if he was certain that Harry was truly dead, and while the answer is yes, it's said in a way that implies he might have survived. Shortly after this, Warden breaks into Ben's home and kills him, impaling his face on the pickaxe in a move that can be widely considered brutal as hell. Tom is later brought into questioning by Axel, who suspects that Tom is responsible for the murders, but makes zero progress on account of the fact that Axel has anger issues and Tom likes to poke at his relationship with Sarah.


Harry Warden in the motel scene.

Next, Megan and Sarah are seen closing the grocery store that they work at, when Harry shows up and attempts to kill both of them. The pair get chased into a back office, where Megan tries to worm her way out of a window as Warden is attempting to break the door down. He takes notice of this, leaves the store and loops around to the back alley, pulling Megan out of the window and killing her. Sarah flees and encounters Axel right outside, and when Sarah leads him to the back alley, they encounter Megan's dead body and the words "BE MINE 4 EVER" scrawled in blood above her corpse.

Harry makes his way to Sarah and Axel's house, breaking in and killing their maid. Deputy Farris and Burke are called to the location, and Burke is murdered by Harry as well.

At this point, Tom is convinced that Axel is responsible for the murders, and Axel is convinced that Tom is responsible. Tom calls Sarah, asks if she trusts him, and when told yes, asks her to come meet up with him because he needs to tell her something. Sarah gets in Tom's car so he can tell her about his theory, when Axel calls Sarah on the phone and tells her that Tom is the murderer, begging her to get out of the car. She decides to trust her husband over Tom, tries to tell him that her son is sick and she needs to go check in on him, but Tom knows it was Axel on the phone, and doesn't believe her story, refusing to let her out of the car. Sarah begins to get scared by him and, in a panic, takes a hold of the wheel, crashing the car, nearly final-destination-ing the both of them, and escapes. She receives a call from Axel and he tells her a place she can hide-An abandoned shack, the same one where he would stay at with Megan to cheat on Sarah with. Axel says he's on his way, and right after Sarah shows up at the love shack, Harry Warden appears. She's lead to believe that it's Axel, due to different evidence scattered about the house.


Harry Warden unmasked at one of the murder scenes

Harry ends up chasing her back into the mine, and is then jumpscared by Axel. She knocks the gun out of Axel's hands, believing him to be the killer, when Tom arrives; There's a standoff between them, with Tom trying to convince her Axel is the killer and vice versa. Axel states that he's delusional and has been held at a psych ward for the past 7 years. Tom, when attempting to incriminate Axel, reveals information that he shouldn't know; That Megan is dead, and he recites the words that were written above her body. There is no way for him to know this unless he was there, because he was not informed of this information by either of them.

Tom starts freaking out, because Harry is standing behind Sarah and steadily approaching them; Tom screams at Sarah to shoot him repeatedly, and when Warden reaches Tom, he fades into nothingness, revealing himself to be a hallucination. A montage of every murder so far plays, showing aftermath the viewer did not initially get to see of Warden unmasking and it being Tom underneath, panicking and gasping for air. The murder that took place in the mine where Tom was locked in a cage plays, showing the viewer that Tom locked 'himself' in the cage and either hallucinated or had a false memory of Harry Warden killing the miner. It's likely that when Harry was killed basically on top of Tom, it left him with trauma that would later develop into Dissociative Identity Disorder, with Harry Warden being one of his alters/headmates. [Note: While this is the most likely intention, it is a subject of debate; More information about this can be found Here, at Tom's wiki page]

Harry returns to front and tries to kill Sarah and Axel; Sarah shoots Harry, successfully hitting a gas line behind him, causing an explosion & leading them to believe that he's dead. They escape, and a rescue team shows up to try and uncover any survivors of this second cave-in. They find Tom/Harry, who is decidedly not dead, and he kills one of the rescuers, stealing his clothing to blend in and escaping the mine.

Trivia / Fun facts[]

  • Mbv2009poster

    A side-by-side comparison of the film's main poster next to a still of Harry Warden in the movie, in a similar pose.

    While many kills and moments from the original film are axed, the scene where Rose's body (Axel & Sarah's maid) pops out of the dryer is from the original, though it's done with a different character and in a different context.
  • The scene where Sarah is running through the mine with suits descending from the ceiling and getting in the way is also taken from the original film.
  • Strangely, on the movies main cover art, Harry Warden can be seen wearing a mask that is different from any mask that is present in the film, nor the 1981 movie. The pickaxe is also different.
  • A poster in the film is visible saying that it's Saturday the 14th, meaning that the previous day was Friday the 13th.[2]
  • My Bloody Valentine 3D was the first 3D film to garner an R rating.[3]

Cancelled sequel[]

"In March 2020, in an interview with Bloody Disgusting, writer Todd Farmer revealed that he and director Patrick Lussier both pitched a script for a sequel to the remake to Lionsgate executives John Sacchi and Michael Paseornek two weeks ahead of the film's release. After the film received mixed reviews from critics, Lionsgate lost interest. The sequel would have been more psychological and would have brought back survivors from the remake as well as expanded upon its backstory. Farmer's script had also planned to kill off Sarah." - (Quote taken directly from Wikipedia's article on MBV 2009)[4]

Extra content, Links, & blooper reel[]

The following links all redirect to and host different extra content relating to the film. As of writing, all videos are available on YouTube, but the author has chosen to move them to in case the uploaders decide to take them down. The blooper reel is embedded for your viewing pleasure :-)
