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In my textbook Harmony and Voice Leading 5th edition I am to complete an exercise using 2 voices and wanted to make an analysis first of what chords were implied by the bass and soprano. Can someone help me figure out the remaining chords indicated by question marks?

  • The piece is in Ab major. The first ? has c, ab and f, so it could be f minor. But rather we should treat this as staying in the chord of Db major, but progressing to a 2-chord in Db major (i.e. 7th in the bass), which correctly resolves to a g diminshed chord as 6 chord, which progresses to a eb dom7 (V). The following ? again keeps this V, but progresses into a 2 chord with the 7th in the bass, which correctly resolves to a 6-chord on Ab major (I). The following ? is then Db major (IV), the next one is something like a dominant, so you could take this as Eb, although we only get the bb.
    – Lazy
    Commented Jun 22, 2022 at 10:15
  • Shouldnt the last one be a Bb dominant not an Eb dominant? there is a root and 7th of a Bb7 chord
    – user35708
    Commented Jun 22, 2022 at 10:39
  • and what is a "2 chord"? do you mean ii chord? That chord does not "resolve" to I6 in functional harmony
    – user35708
    Commented Jun 22, 2022 at 10:53
  • No, the last one serves the function of an Eb dominant chord and resolves into Ab major. It is just a bit bare, but one could argue that the Eb chord is prepared by the previous chords. A "2 chord" is a seventh chord with the seventh in the bass, similar to how a 6 chord has the third in the bass and a 46 chord has the fifth in the bass, or in terms of seventh chords, 56 chord for the third and 34 chord for the fifth.
    – Lazy
    Commented Jun 22, 2022 at 11:47
  • Ah ok.. I call that a 42 chord. But I am confused how you were able to label that as having dominant function if the only other note is a 7th above the bass. why would that last one have dominant function. It is ^2 not ^5. Even if the Ab is an accented PT it still leaves only one note scale degree ^2.
    – user35708
    Commented Jun 22, 2022 at 14:47