In Silicon Valley S01E06, "Third Party Insourcing", Jared's self-driving car get overridden and Jared goes to some oil-drilling facility for some days.

Why did the car get re-routed? I half expected to see Gavin Belson or Peter Gregory somehow being behind this.

2 Answers 2


Peter Gregory's man-made island Avalon was built on the international date line. Earlier in the same episode, Monica mentions that this is causing problems and several pieces of the prep for the opening of the island are happening 1 day early.

The automated car Jared rides in should have gone to the ship the next day but instead went 24 hours early.


According to the Silicon Valley wikia:

After a meeting at Peter Gregory’s, Jared takes a ride home in the mogul’s driverless car. In what seems to be a glitch, the car unexpectedly makes a U-turn and says it’s taking Jared more than 4,000 miles away to Peter Gregory’s private island called Arallon. The car drives itself into a shipping unit with Jared inside and heads off to Arallon on a huge ship.

This gag/subplot amplifies a recurring theme of the show:

But the subplot itself is a continuation of a recurring theme in Silicon Valley: No matter how advanced technology becomes, it will always be imperfect, because the humans who create them are inherently imperfect. Judge takes satirical aim at the technology-worshipping sect of Silicon Valley by showcasing how these technical innovations don’t always make life easier, and how sometimes they even makes life harder. Just ask Jared—who wakes up on Arallon after two days of sleeping in his car to find Peter Gregory’s island being constructed entirely by machines. While it’s the logical end to the initial gag, it doesn’t make the last shot of Jared screaming out into a vast ocean any less funny or pointed.

  • 2
    "No matter how advanced technology becomes, it will always be imperfect, because the humans who create them are inherently imperfect." Something that all (good) programmers know.
    – JAB
    Commented Mar 26, 2018 at 17:32
  • 2
    @JAB: I'd actually argue that a good programmer became good the day they realised this. Commented Mar 27, 2018 at 0:02
  • 3
    As someone who has dealt with computer date/time and its interactions with timezones, DST, leap seconds, and leap days, this plot seems entirely plausible to me. He's lucky the island wasn't south of the equator...
    – T.E.D.
    Commented Mar 27, 2018 at 17:19

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