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-2 votes

A loan company wants to loan me money & wants to deposit $400 in my account for verification. Scam or legit?

A legitimate financial institution would have reason to deposit (and then withdrae) two small amounts totaling less than $/€/£ 1 in order to be sure they have the correct account to make deposits to ...
Paul Robinson's user avatar
11 votes

A loan company wants to loan me money & wants to deposit $400 in my account for verification. Scam or legit?

It is a SCAM!!. A legitimate loan company would never request that you deposit money into your account or send them money as an account verification procedure for obtaining a loan. This is a way ...
Andrew 's user avatar
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83 votes

A loan company wants to loan me money & wants to deposit $400 in my account for verification. Scam or legit?

Sometimes a legitimate financial company wants to test that the bank information is correct and that you can see the account. They make two small transactions that equal $1.00. They then ask you the ...
mhoran_psprep's user avatar
2 votes

Does a bank have to confirm that I do NOT have a loan application in process?

This is in fact a bizarre request. I've been in a similar situation on multiple occasions, and have never encountered such a request. What the second bank have usually requested from me in this ...
littleadv's user avatar
  • 178k
3 votes

Kiwi Lad In Need

Anything which offers you a large amount of money in a few hours, no skill required, is going to be either dangerous, unpleasant, expensive, scam, illegal, or some combination of the above. The only ...
keshlam's user avatar
  • 49.1k
1 vote

Kiwi Lad In Need

I'd advise against borrowing if you can avoid it, especially if you have no income with which to pay it back. I also don't think it's realistic to raise the money in a few hours. Hate to be blunt, ...
nuggethead's user avatar
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0 votes

Fair interest rate on $2k personal loan to a friend

If you give money as a loan to a friend, as a rule of thumb you will lose your money, or your friend, or both. So either accept losing a friend by creating a contract that forces the friend to pay the ...
gnasher729's user avatar
  • 23.4k
-1 votes

Best shot for small business loan given limited history, credit, etc

When starting a business, you may have to resort to getting a personal loan, or a HELOC, since the business itself has little or no equity to borrow against, and may not be interesting/convincing ...
keshlam's user avatar
  • 49.1k
4 votes

Fair interest rate on $2k personal loan to a friend

Frame challenge. If you "lend" money to friends or family, consider it as lost, with a very small chance that by pure luck they will pay you back. If they ask you rather than a bank it's ...
jcaron's user avatar
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2 votes

Fair interest rate on $2k personal loan to a friend

As noted by others, interest reflects the opportunity cost of investing/spending the money somewhere else. This applies to you but also to the LENDEE. Why is this important? If you charge your friend ...
Chris's user avatar
  • 457
3 votes

Fair interest rate on $2k personal loan to a friend

he promised that he would pay it back in a month The interest rate is inconsequential compared to the risk of never seeing the original $2,000 ever again. You're not a bank and high-risk, negative ...
MonkeyZeus's user avatar
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4 votes

Fair interest rate on $2k personal loan to a friend

What is your relation to this friend? That, more than financial mathematics, should inform your decision. The closer friends are, the more interactions with them in general are less formal and more of ...
Tom's user avatar
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