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How do student loans get split in a divorce?

My question: Legally should a husband have any responsibility for his wife's student loan if it was taken out during their marriage? They are divorcing, the loan is in her name, and I, her mother, co-...
Judy K.'s user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Cosigned on a loan. If I pay loan off, are purchases now mine?

I cosigned a loan for my ex on a refrigerator, microwave, and oven. I know it wasn't smart. But if I pay off loan, can I retrieve the items?
Melody Chassang's user avatar
7 votes
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I signed on as the co-signer on a car loan and somehow ended up being the primary name on the account

I know a person should never co-sign for anyone. I always have. This is why I feel so stupid but I signed on to a car loan 4 or 5 months ago for my ex. I was against it but the fact she was hanging my ...
Smitty44's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Co-signed a loan and I need to have my name removed

I co-signed on a car loan with my partner, and now that we are no longer together I want to have my name removed. He has had the car a year now and has been on his job over an year, but he won't do ...
Jay Alexander's user avatar
4 votes
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Who is responsible when property and the loan are in different names?

We have a LAP (Loan against property) loan with ICICI Bank. The loan is on my name (primary), with my brother and father as co-signers. I am not sure how the ICICI bank sanctioned the loan on my name ...
Girish's user avatar
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My Co-Signer is the Primary Account Holder for my Car Loan - Does this affect my credit?

I recently financed a car purchase, and my father co-signed for me. I received the first bill, to find out that he is listed as the primary account holder with the finance company, although I am the ...
Kevin C.'s user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

If I co-sign a loan, does it affect my own ability to borrow due to the debt-to-income ratio?

If I co-sign a loan (e.g. for a friend or family member), does it affect my own ability to borrow money due to the debt-to-income ratio?
user avatar
8 votes
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What happens if I co-sign a loan and the borrower or debtor dies?

What happens if I co-sign a loan and the borrower or debtor (the person that borrowed the money) dies? Does the co-signer then assume full liability over the loan, i.e. become the new and sole debtor?...
user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Co-signing & dying: What if a loan co-signer dies? Is estate of co-signer liable?

A grim and tragic question perhaps, but I'm curious: What happens when a person that co-signed on a loan dies? Is the co-signer's estate potentially liable until the loan is paid off, the same as if ...
Chris W. Rea's user avatar
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23 votes
10 answers

Someone asks you to co-sign a loan. How to reject & say "no" nicely or politely?

Hypothetical situation: A dear friend or family member comes to you and asks you to co-sign for their loan. Let's say the reason they need the money is not a life-or-death type of situation. ...
Chris W. Rea's user avatar
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10 votes
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If I co-sign on a loan for someone, am I putting up money (is there a cost)?

Does it cost me anything if I co-sign a loan for someone?
PHC1983's user avatar
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23 votes
5 answers

Should you co-sign a personal loan for a friend/family member? Why/why not?

I know someone who was recently asked to co-sign a hefty loan by a family member. I don't know what I'd do if I was put in the same position as the one asked. What are the risks? What are things to ...
Nat_Rea's user avatar
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