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What account to draw from for a first-time home buyer? (Canada)

Assuming I need 35K for a downpayment and I have 50K in an RRSP 50k in a TFSA and 20k in a non-registered account— which account is it best to draw from? My assumption is that cleaning out the non-...
Dugan 's user avatar
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Can I transfer stocks from a margin account to a TFSA to avoid capital gains tax?

I am new to trading and ended up opening a margin account rather than a TFSA a few months ago. I know I can sell my stock and then buy it again in the TFSA, but the stock price has gone up and I am ...
Jasmeet's user avatar
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I'm a Canadian citizen and now a US resident. How do I close my Canadian RRSP and TFSA?

I am a Canadian citizen who moved to the US in 2009. I am now a US resident and Canadian non-resident. I still have a Canadian RRSP, TFSA, and bank account. I've filed FBARs since becoming a US ...
Canuck's user avatar
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Transferring USD into a TFSA

I am currently working in the US but maintain my residency in Canada and file with both the IRS and CRA. I have accounts with both Questrade in Canada and Robinhood in the US. I wish to transfer my ...
masfenix's user avatar
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Can I hold US dollars and buy US stocks (with US Dollars) without FX commissions using a Canadian brokerage account?

May be moving to Canada next month, so I had some questions. I would like to transfer my US dollars to a Canadian brokerage account -- from what I've read IB or Questrade are the best options. However,...
StatsScared's user avatar
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How does a Canadian sell TFSA assets in a foreign stock exchange?

I'm using TD Waterhouse and bought some stock in my TFSA account. However, the entity was purchased by a UK company. TD Waterhouse doesn't seem to be able to sell stock on the London Stock Exchange ...
personjerry's user avatar
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When would holding U.S. stocks in a non-registered account be better than in a TFSA?

Assume your RRSP is full, and you must buy U.S. stock in TFSA or in an unregistered [aka non-registered] account. The default answer seems to be TFSA! If you have an RRSP, a TFSA and a non-...
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How much can you have in TFSA without losing any OSAP?

Plz see beneath. Just $3600 for 2019-2020 school year!!?!!? This is too niggling and half-baked! What if student is living away from home? Accomodation and private rent cost way more! What if US or ...
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Can you legally increase your TFSA contribution room over the government's provided maximum ($63 500 in 2019)?

I saw this idea in Reddit comments by u/differing: I often wish I invested early in the weed stock bubble in my TFSA, not so much for the returns but more to supercharge my TFSA room and transition ...
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I never opened TFSA. Why's my TFSA contribution room $64800.68, not 63500?

Brother Ivan never opened TFSA. Websites beneath say his TFSA contribution room is $63 500, but screenshot from his CRA online account says $64 800.68! Why? Which's right? Know your TFSA ...
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TFSA and have $1M dollar after 40 years at 5.5% interest with $500 year bump 2% annual inflation rate : Is it an efficient way to be a millionaire?

Is it true that if I fix 5500 dollars at a TFSA (Tax-Free Savings Account) at 5.5% interest and 500 dollars yearly bump then after 40 years someone will retire with a million dollar? Is it an ...
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What type of trading is taxable in a TFSA investment acount?

I always assumed that capital gains in TFSA is non-taxable until I read that people who use TFSA investment account for day trading are starting to being audited by the CRA. So, what types of ...
Viv's user avatar
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Does employer matching contributions in a TFSA count towards the annual limit?

Does my employer matching my contribution to a TFSA count towards my annual TFSA contribution limit?
Elaine's user avatar
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Tax free savings account

I know that this type of account does not exist in the US. For those who know, is there absolutely no tax deducted from my earnings when I invest in stocks? For example, if I turn 10000 to 1 million, ...
chrislam5459's user avatar
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Deposit shares in TFSA before capital gain that exceeds contribution limit

I find myself in an interesting position right now. I bought into a private placement and my escrow will be ending in a couple weeks. The kicker is that, if I were to deposit the shares into my TFSA (...
oldboy's user avatar
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In Canada, is it legal to transfer Adsense earnings to free tax account?

As long as you respect the free tax account limit, is it legal and correct to transfer Adsense earnings to free tax account in Canada? My objective is to not pay taxes on Adsense earnings. Note : ...
Mehdi's user avatar
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TFSA withdrawal

If I make a TFSA withdrawal and wish to re-invest the following year, do I have to re-invest with the same institution, or can I change to one offering a better rate? If I have already made this ...
David Hogg's user avatar
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Asset Allocation between TFSA vs RRSP

I have 60K in my TFSA and 15K in my RRSP. Both accounts are maxed out. I want to go with the basic balanced couch potato portfolio: XAW: 40%, VCN: 20%, ZAG: 40%. I've heard that putting stocks in ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Is it worth contributing to a Canadian TFSA from the USA?

I am a Canadian citizen studying for a PhD in the USA. From the CRA's point of view, I'm a Canadian resident; from the IRS's point of view, I'm a non-resident alien. My investment goal is long-term ...
Ryan Kavanagh's user avatar
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How do I transfer money from one TFSA to another? [CAN]

I have had my investments managed in a TFSA by fundex for many years. Now I want to take things into my own hands and manage my own investments. I am trying to transfer my funds out of one TFSA and ...
Trevor Harder's user avatar
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Long term investing alternative to mutual funds

Background I'm trying to figure out what is the best way to supplement my RRSP for retirement. In Canada, I can contribute roughly 18% of my annual income (up to an annual maximum of about $26,230.00)...
Cloud's user avatar
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Reasons to add an REIT to portfolio

I am wondering if someone can point out the advantages/disadvantages of adding an REIT to a basic ETF portfolio that will be cashed out in 3-5 years(or the next good bull mrkt) as down payment for a ...
AM_Hawk's user avatar
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Switching funds within the same TFSA- how is contribution room impacted?

I have a TFSA mutual fund account with TD Canada Trust and am looking to do some re-balancing of funds within this account. I am aware that I can use the "Switch funds" feature to accomplish this. ...
karancan's user avatar
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Are GICs a reasonable investment within a TFSA?

I have a TFSA with ~$15k in it. ~$5k is invested into a 0.9% GIC, for 12-months, but I've been told by nearly everyone I've mentioned that rate to that I was burned, and that my money could have been ...
Carcigenicate's user avatar
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Taxes on foreign and local dividends held in a TFSA

As far as I read in many articles, all earnings (capital gains and dividends) from Canadian stocks will be always tax-free. Right? In contrast, holding U.S. or any foreign stock that yields dividends ...
Maximus Decimus's user avatar
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Paying taxes on an inherited Canadian TFSA? (Successor holder case)

I read this interesting article about Questions about TFSA and I contrasted the information with CRA's website about successor holder. As far as I understood, when the original holder's TFSA pass ...
Maximus Decimus's user avatar
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What are the consequences of transferring US equities from TFSA to RRSP?

I plan on transferring stocks owned in my TFSA to my RRSP as part of my 2015 RRSP contributions. However, I do own some US stocks in my TFSA. When I transfer those stocks, are there any tax ...
Matt's user avatar
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Can a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP) and share purchase plan (SPP) be used with a TFSA?

Can I put Sun Life (SLF) shares into a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP) and share purchase plan (SPP) plan, and then put into a TFSA investment account for a family member, 5 to 10 year term?
Fred Allen's user avatar
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How does TFSA contribution room carryover work, e.g. unused amounts and withdrawals?

Is the TFSA contribution limit per year $5000/person? How are unused contributions carried over? If last year I contributed only $3000, then this year, would I have $7000 contribution room available?...
Victor123's user avatar
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Do I pay withholding tax on a US company trading on TSE

I am talking about Cenovus energy:TSE:CVE It trades on both NYSE and TSE. If I buy it on TSE and pay in CAD, in my TFSA, do I still pay the 15% withholding tax, that cannot even be recovered using ...
Victor123's user avatar
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