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How do I find a list of stockholders of a public company listed in Canada?

How do i find all stockholders by holding percentage of a publicly listed company in Canada. Including minority stakeholders.
kanduken's user avatar
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Are the ATON and ACATS protocols compatible with each other for cross-border securities transfers?

ATON (Account Transfer Online Notification) - is an electronic transfer method that eliminates the physical exchange of paper documentation between brokerage institutions in Canada (signed documents ...
AlanSTACK's user avatar
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Do temporary residents have to pay capital gains tax on unrealized gains when they leave Canada?

Suppose I am a temporary resident in Canada for work or study. I owned some stocks before going to Canada, and bought some more during my stay in Canada. I do not sell any shares during my stay in ...
Flux's user avatar
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Meaning of ticker symbol suffixes for Toronto Stock Exchange listings

When looking at the ticker symbols of stocks listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX and TSXV), I noticed that there are many kinds of suffixes. For example, ".A", ".DB", "....
Flux's user avatar
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Are these proxy vote questions pointless?

On many proxy vote forms, as a shareholder, you can vote "for" or "withhold" on some board of director members and appointment of an auditor. You can vote "for" or "...
Victor's user avatar
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Are companies listed on the TSX Venture Exchange required to publish financial statements regularly?

The TSX Venture Exchange lists many small-cap and micro-cap companies. Are all these companies required by law to regularly make their financial statements available to the public? If so, do all these ...
Flux's user avatar
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Differences between non-registered, TFSA, and RRSP accounts for short-term investments

I am new to stocks and I am using an application that's called Wealthsimple. The application shows different account types (non-registered, TFSA, and RRSP) but I don't understand really what are the ...
Minions's user avatar
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Canadian tax on capital gain multiple round of investment in the same company

My question is similar to this one (How to calculate capital gains on multiple trades of the same stock?), but lets say I have two objective with my investment. One short term, the other one long term....
ribs_brisket_bbq's user avatar
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Understanding performance of an index fund

I am trying to understand how to interpret the performance of an index fund. I have two views of the same TDB911 fund. The view in TD WebBroker (investing interface) shows that at the beginning of a ...
Matthew's user avatar
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How does a Canadian sell TFSA assets in a foreign stock exchange?

I'm using TD Waterhouse and bought some stock in my TFSA account. However, the entity was purchased by a UK company. TD Waterhouse doesn't seem to be able to sell stock on the London Stock Exchange ...
personjerry's user avatar
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How do I sell or transfer forgotten about shares

I realized today in a moment of lucidity that I have outstanding shares from an employee share ownership plan from my previous company, Loblaws Canada. The shares are on a site called "Computershare",...
KeigaTide's user avatar
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Efficient Canada investment account after maxing out TFSA that is not RRSP?

What kind of investment accounts in Canada are tax-efficient and allow holding U.S. stocks (Amazon, Google, etc.)? I have maxed out my TFSA, and would prefer not to lock money in retirement-inclined ...
Kenny's user avatar
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Can non-citizens sell paper certificated UK stocks?

I inherited BATS shares listed on the LSE. I’m a Canadian citizen, and the shares are paper certificated. I’ve been trying to sell them for a year with no luck. Can I sell them without naturalizing in ...
user88729's user avatar
12 votes
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Capital gains on stocks sold to take initial investment off the table

Suppose I have invested $100K in a stock that was trading at $100 per share. The stock has gone up by 10 percent and is now at $110. I sold 909 units at $110, i.e. 909*$110 ≈ $100K, which is ...
Keerikkattu Chellappan's user avatar
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Can a non-resident Canadian citizen working in USA maintain a margin account in Canada?

I am a non-resident Canadian living and working in USA. Can I maintain a margin account for stocks trading in Canada?
Amit's user avatar
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Canadian Questrade margin account question

I have a Questrade margin account. I had more than enough cash and in error bought US stocks. I wasn't paying attention to my figures just whether I made money. Once I saw the interest payments being ...
Erin Campbell-Doan's user avatar
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Are management teams in Canada required to report their ownership in a public company?

Are management teams of companies listed on Canadian stock exchanges required to report their shares in the company? Are they also required to report if they purchase shares on the market?
Stanley Tan's user avatar
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Why is investment income generated in a corporation taxed at a higher rate than when it is generated for an individual?

I often have a hard time understanding my accountant so I ask others to interpret what he said. I welcome insight from experience gained in any country with similar tax laws (doesn't have to exactly ...
learningtech's user avatar
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Tax free savings account

I know that this type of account does not exist in the US. For those who know, is there absolutely no tax deducted from my earnings when I invest in stocks? For example, if I turn 10000 to 1 million, ...
chrislam5459's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a minimum stock price for tsx listings?

For example, NYSE stocks must maintain $1 a share. I have searched and can only find data on tsx-v.
Ryan's user avatar
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Investing in Canadian Stocks as an American

I've been tracking the cannabis industry for awhile and would love to hop on the canna-stock wagon, but I'm not sure if Americans are allowed to invest in Canadian stocks. The companies I'd like to ...
D. Doe's user avatar
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Buy stock in Canadian dollars or US?

I am located in Canada. I've been buying US stocks(listed on a us stock exchange), my question is, should I buy them in Canadian dollars or convert to US and buy? I have tried both, my broker ...
excelguy's user avatar
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Do I need to pay taxes in the US as an Alien Resident for my Canadian stock capital gains

I'm about to pull the trigger and get some Canadian stock BBI:CA, but first I want to know if I need to pay special taxes, or If I'll be double taxed by this capital gains. I'm a US alien, got the ...
Luis Sepulveda Hidalgo's user avatar
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How to invest in stock market for a Canadian expat (non tax-resident of Canada)?

I am a Canadian citizen but non tax-resident of Canada. I am currently working in China and paying my taxes there. I previously had an investment account with BMO Investor Line in Canada but they do ...
Phil's user avatar
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Taxes on foreign and local dividends held in a TFSA

As far as I read in many articles, all earnings (capital gains and dividends) from Canadian stocks will be always tax-free. Right? In contrast, holding U.S. or any foreign stock that yields dividends ...
Maximus Decimus's user avatar
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Capital Gain or Loss Calculation for Mergers & Acquisitions (Canada)

I have a question about calculating capital gains/losses for mergers and acquisitions in which fractional shares and cash are provided as part of the transaction. What part should be listed as capital ...
leeman24's user avatar
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Initial investment in sole proprietorship

I've sole proprietorship business in Ontario. So far I've been doing web site and custom software development. Then I open up an account for stock trading under same business name. And put some ...
gmail user's user avatar
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Advice on how to minimize taxes when selling US stock

I live in Canada and own US stock, I have filled W8 form and it says that the account is W8 Ben certified. I sold already some shares and was surprised that I paid 15% taxes on total amount? I thought ...
user39795's user avatar
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NR4 box conversion to a 1099DIV

I have box 26 on a NR4, and in box 28 the code "Q". Where do I put these on a 1099DIV? I am using Turbo Tax, and was told that I need to use a 1099DIV, converting the information on the NR4 to a ...
shreker56's user avatar
4 votes
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Insider trading in another company?

Suppose that, as an insider in Company A, I become aware of an upcoming business move by Company A that will have a huge negative impact on its share price, and a similar huge positive impact on the ...
DJohnM's user avatar
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Does the low CAD positively or negatively impact Canadian Investors?

I'm interested in getting into investing, but I have a limited amount of business experience. I plan on putting a small amount of money on the market just to see how it goes. I don't quite understand ...
Nat's user avatar
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U.S. stock sales- tax on sale for NR Canadian

I am a Non-resident Canadian living in Thailand on a Retirement Visa and my non-residency status dates back to 2013. I have no income except for CPP,. OAS, and a company pension all of which total $...
Bruce H Crocker's user avatar
6 votes
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Implications of a Canadian company IPO having a dual TSX/NYSE stock listing?

As an exampe, Shopify will go public this upcoming May 26th, selling shares both on the TSX and the NYSE. What are some of the main implications of this dual IPO, other than the fact that the ...
gmorissette's user avatar
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Can a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP) and share purchase plan (SPP) be used with a TFSA?

Can I put Sun Life (SLF) shares into a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP) and share purchase plan (SPP) plan, and then put into a TFSA investment account for a family member, 5 to 10 year term?
Fred Allen's user avatar
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Time to receive foreign dividends (SET) to N. America

Is there an expected time to receive foreign dividends? It seems to take weeks or longer to receive dividends from stocks on the SET exchange. Granted they have to do a currency conversion and take ...
Spehro Pefhany's user avatar
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Received Stock options as UK Employee, however exercised the stock as a Canadian Employee. What is my tax liability?

I work for a global company. As a UK resident, my company awarded me stock options & Restricted stock. The stocks is traded on the NYSE. I exercised the stock in Canada. I transferred to the ...
Sapna Malhotra's user avatar
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US resident, Canadian citizen/non-resident tax questions: interest, TFSA, and dividends

I'm a Canadian living and working in the US, so I file and pay income taxes in the US, and am a non-resident of Canada for tax purposes. I am aware of my filing obligations to the IRS, but I have some ...
Icydog's user avatar
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Do I still need to pay capital gains taxes when I profit from a stock in a foreign currency?

Let's say I convert CAD 100 to USD 90. With the USD 90, I buy a stock that goes to USD 100, and then I sell it. If I don't convert the resulting USD 100 back to (say) the CAD 105 it might be worth at ...
Victor123's user avatar
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Better to have a non-registered (taxable) investment account in one/both names and/or based on income?

This question is for those familiar with Canada's income tax laws. My wife and I have maxed out our TFSAs. We also max contribute to our kid's RESPs. We also contribute a healthy amount to our RRSPs ...
Wes's user avatar
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How do you get your Canadian stock information?

I am getting into stocks and am looking for ways to keep myself updated with the best current information. The type of sources I am looking for are: Podcasts Newsletters RSS feeds Twitter Etc. ...
leeman24's user avatar
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SEC forms filed under different company name

I'm trying to find 10-K, 10-Q, or 4 forms for a company called Creative Edge Nutrition (ticker symbol: FITX,) but what I found was forms filed under the name "LAUFER BRIDGE ENTERPRISES, INC." Why is ...
luca590's user avatar
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Where should a young student put their money?

I'm a young student with no student debt (my tuition is paid for, I've long since saved up enough.) I'm looking into my future and looking at investing in index funds or other sorts while I still live ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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When is it worth it to buy dividend-bearing stocks?

TLDR: Is it ever worth investing in stocks to make profit off of dividends? I did some research on dividends. It seems like it has a reputation for stable income, irrespective of the market ...
ashes999's user avatar
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Can we buy and sell stocks without worrying about settlement period

When I buy stocks in my brokerage account(non-margin), I heard that there is a settlement period of 2 -3 biz days after which the clearing house will deposit the stocks to my account. Same thing for ...
Victor123's user avatar
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Questrade - What happens if I buy U.S. stock with Canadian money?

Recently, I heard that when you buy U.S. stocks with Canadian money in a Questrade account, they actually make a loan of the U.S. dollar amount you bought even if you have enough money to do the ...
ForceMagic's user avatar
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What capital gains taxes do non-resident Canadian citizens owe?

I live in the Caribbean. I remain a Canadian citizen, but a few years ago I declared myself a non-resident for tax purposes. Assuming I have no income in the Caribbean, and I make $100,000 on stocks ...
William Ostermann's user avatar
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Non-tax-resident of Canada needs to pay taxes for investment account earnings?

if a person were to be a non-resident of Canada without jobs, a spouse, kids, asset (houses, cars etc.) in Canada, then that person would not be obliged to file a tax report. However, if that person ...
silverloc's user avatar
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How to buy stock on the Toronto Stock Exchange?

I have an Ameritrade account and thought I was purchasing a stock that trades on the TSE. However, I was only able to buy a pink sheets stock. I'm not sure of the difference. Would it be possible ...
Whiskey's user avatar
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Whether to prepay mortgage or invest in stocks

If at the end of the year, I have 10k in hand that I want to save/invest and these are my options: 1.Prepay into mortgage. Rate is 2.1% 2.Invest in stocks and I know I can get at least 7 % return. ...
Victor123's user avatar
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How do I enter Canadian tax info from US form 1042-S and record captial gains from cashing in stock options?

I am assuming these issues are related. I am working in Canada for a US company. I buy stock options every quarter. In 2011 I cashed in some stock options and received the cash. How do I enter the ...
Armbie's user avatar
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