Suppose I am a temporary resident in Canada for work or study. I owned some stocks before going to Canada, and bought some more during my stay in Canada. I do not sell any shares during my stay in Canada. I leave Canada after a few years. If there are unrealized capital gains when I leave Canada, do I have to pay capital gains tax on the unrealized gains?

  • Define 'temporary resident'. Immigration residency <> tax 'residency' status. Also, what is the other country? Commented Aug 26, 2022 at 17:35
  • @Grade'Eh'Bacon Definition: Temporary residents. Assume that the temporary resident is resident in Canada on every day of each year. Assume that the other country has no tax-related treaties with Canada, and has no capital gains tax.
    – Flux
    Commented Aug 27, 2022 at 2:44
  • As a hypothetical, see details here: cpacanada.ca/en/news/canada/2021-05-31-departure-tax For a real-life scenario, actual facts will narrow down the answer, which has some grey areas / nuance depending on exact fact pattern. Commented Sep 1, 2022 at 23:15


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