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Questions tagged [alternative-minimum-tax]

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2 votes
2 answers

Tax Implications of exercising both NSOs and ISOs

My partner and I are trying to figure out the correct tax strategy to exercise the largest amount of ISOs without triggering Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). Situation Filing Status: Single Strike ...
blackeyebeefhorsefly's user avatar
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With zero earnings aside from long term capital gains, when would AMT and/or NIIT kick in?

Lets say I have absolutely no job/income/dividends/etc except for some long term capital gains, not related to stock options. Lets just say a standard purchase-low then sell-high of some stock. ...
Optical Carrier's user avatar
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Refiguring for AMT, detailed instructions

I really wanted to understand my federal taxes, so I decided to prepare them for 2023 "by hand" using the fillable PDF forms offered by the IRS. No problems -- except for one thing. I'm now ...
JeffreyJ's user avatar
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Recouping AMT paid from exercising ISO Stock Options when sold

Three years ago (2020), I exercised a sizable amount of ISO Stock Options, which resulted in AMT in that year. Let's say the strike price was $50 and the FMV was $100. Since then, the company went ...
davyli's user avatar
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Why does the credit for prior year AMT exist?

The ways in which the US alternative minimum tax (AMT) differs from the regular tax fall into two components: excluded deductions (e.g., state taxes) and disallowed deferrals (e.g., exercising ISOs (...
Benjamin Peterson's user avatar
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Would allowing my company to pay me less in order to donate that money to charity lead to net increase in charitable donations?

To give context for this question I first need to explain that I am lucky enough to make very good salary, and also live like I'm on minimum wage, which allows me to donate a pretty decent percentage ...
dsollen's user avatar
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AMT and Child Tax Credit

I'm trying to figure out at what point AMT might hurt me, because I just received from stock options from my employer and am considering the benefit of exercising. I worked through form 6251, but I ...
Ian's user avatar
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Are nonresident aliens filing the 1040-NR eligible for the $72,900 AMT exemption?

Do non-resident aliens receive this exemption amount when filing our AMT taxes on form 6251? I want to make sure because I read here:
Zhinkk's user avatar
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When paying AMT, might it make sense to take standard deduction even if it's more expensive?

Due to an ISO exercise, I must pay AMT this year. But this was a one-time thing: I will probably not need to pay AMT next year. Since ISO exercises are considered a "deferral item", my ...
Phil Frost's user avatar
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AMT ISO deferrals for nonimmigrant. Sold shares after leaving US

I lived in the US from 2013 and 2016 on an E-3 nonimmigrant visa. As part of my full-time employment contract, I was granted ISO shares in a pre-IPO company. I exercised most of the vested shares in ...
Matty F's user avatar
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1 answer

US Tax implications? Bought stock options, paid AMT, company acquired at a loss, options worthless

Scenario (numbers are for illustrative purposes only): 2017: I exercised options when I left my former employer (startup, not public). Exercised 100% of 10,000 ISOs, common stock. At a strike price of ...
slinkp's user avatar
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5 votes
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Dividing capital gains over 2 calendar years

I was reading through some investment brokerage literature and came across this caption Long-term capital gains & AMT Realizing a capital gain that's large in comparison to the rest of ...
jxramos's user avatar
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ISO exercise limit before triggering AMT

With recent 2018 changes to AMT, I wanted to understand how much ISO options can I exercise without making a material difference in AMT Scenario Current income 200k Claiming standard deduction for ...
Kris's user avatar
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What is earned income from the 2016 Exemptions Worksheet

I'm working through my federal 1040 and form 6251. For line 29 on form 6251, there's a worksheet in the instructions (pg 10) that asks for earned income on line 8. Since line 2 of that worksheet asks ...
Marko Galesic's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Purchase Stock but cannot pay AMT

I was released by my company and I had to purchase my ISO's within 60 days of leaving the company or lose them. The issue is to purchase them would mean around a $1.2m AMT & State Tax Bill next ...
Roger Lammin's user avatar

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