I had all my FBAR information prepared well before the deadline to file. In order to avoid electronic signatures, I requested a paper FBAR, and received one. The paper FBAR contained instructions how to fill if I have 3 bank accounts or less, and instructions if I have 25 or more. I have 4.

I contacted the FinCen via https://www.fincen.gov/contact, asking how to fill the paper out in this case. A month later the deadline to file has passed, and I received no response. Despite the instructions on the web saying only one contact method should be used, I decided to call and leave a message, in case my query got lost. I left a message. Now, 2 more months later, no response to either the filled form or to the call.

The deadline is passed, and I have had this information ready all along, and it seems silly to be not filing because I do not know how to report 4 bank accounts correctly. But at the same time, I do not wish to mis-report something, and face penalties because of that. Is there anything I can do to get FinCen to respond?

p.s., my salary for the entire year is less than $2000, because I work slowly and companies don't keep me hired on. I am not getting any government assistance such as food stamps or medicare. So hiring a lawyer is out of the question for me.

  • 1
    Where dies it say anything about 3 bank accounts or less? The instructions are available here. There's also the IRS Publication 5559.
    – littleadv
    Commented Dec 18, 2023 at 18:20
  • There's only space on the paper form for 3 accounts. So I'm not sure whether I should print out multiple pages of that same page with the 3 accounts, or if I should attach the others on paper; or maybe there's an "expandable" paper form, like Canada does, where you can press a plus sign until the number of accounts on the form matches the number of accounts you have. As I said, seems silly to delay it for so long because of something so trivial, but in Canada doing it incorrectly is "misrepresentation", punishable by losing your Pernament Residence for up to 5 years; so I don't want to presume
    – Alex
    Commented Dec 18, 2023 at 18:24

1 Answer 1


If you're an individual filer with less than 25 accounts you need to file the form with the accounts listed in Part II. If you look at the form, the Part II starts on the first page with the space for a single account, and then the next page has space for 5 additional accounts and is not numbered - you can print that page as many times as you need and number them in the top-right corner. In no way can I interpret this form as only having space for 3 accounts.

If you're talking about signature authority on accounts (usually for corporations), then it's part IV, which can also be printed multiple times and numbered. That one does have 3 bank accounts per page.

I'm not sure what your confusion is or why you need someone's help, but even that is not a valid excuse for late filing.

  • The form they sent me to use as a paper copy is Form 114SP -- since this does not seem to be available on the internet, I am not sure if they would allow me to post it here. That form only has space for 3 accounts. You are correct, if I use your form then there is definitely space for more accounts there. So I think until I receive a response from FinCen, I will use your form.
    – Alex
    Commented Dec 18, 2023 at 18:36

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