There's a lot of news about the Federal Reserve printing money. I have a hard time imagining the relative change in value of the USD. (or EURO for that matter)

I tried to calculate but it's hard:

The Federal Reserve is buying back federal bonds from banks, they're lending money to states and they just started buying Futures too. I can't easily see where the money is flowing to.

Any ideas? A rough decile/percentile estimate will do.

  • Considering that there's a gargantuan amount of foreign debt denominated in USD, it may be outright impossible to come up with even a rough estimate for the value of USD today. Commented May 17, 2020 at 20:18
  • Also worth noting relative comparisons here tricky as all the other major currency pairs are also printing en masse, so its not just the Fed's actions that matter.
    – Philip
    Commented May 18, 2020 at 9:10


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