
Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. May 2, 2024
    Here in the Pitch is a serenade of our own unique endtimes, packed with rollicking, sugar-sweet verses and vocalizations you can twirl your body to and curl up and anguish over all the same. And, at a mere 27 minutes in length, Pratt wastes no time with us. The whole project is tight as a wire.
  2. May 2, 2024
    Her songs are still wounded and far away, but the expanded instrumentation gives them a prismatic glow and makes for one of the most fascinating and repeatable sets from an artist who was already in a class by herself.
  3. Uncut
    May 2, 2024
    A cresting, rolling record of complexity and depth. [May 2024, p.24]
  4. May 2, 2024
    Here in the Pitch is another leap forward that sees her pushing into new realms with stunning effect.
  5. May 2, 2024
    Temporal displacement and imagistic writing make Here in the Pitch feel vaporous at first, but it soon becomes its own transfixing language, a magnet that makes your internal compass go haywire.
  6. May 7, 2024
    While actually even shorter than her last album’s nearly-28 minutes, Here in the Pitch feels heavier, more substantial, and more robust than almost anything she’s done before.
  7. May 7, 2024
    Pratt’s music remains gentle and beguiling, carefully crafted with graceful melodies, gauzy vibes, unshakeable patience, and the kind of intimate room-sound that makes you feel like the voice is coming from inside your head.
  8. Jun 18, 2024
    Jessica Pratt‘s newest album, Here in the Pitch, possesses a dark beauty. The songs quietly disturb.
  9. May 13, 2024
    It’s easy to argue that this album represents Pratt’s peak to date. Without a doubt, the record contains some of her finest songs.
  10. May 7, 2024
    A gorgeous example of her beautifully sombre world-building, ‘Here In The Pitch’ is another remarkable example of Jessica Pratt’s unique artistry.
  11. May 3, 2024
    Her fourth album feels like an unjustly forgotten classic.
  12. May 2, 2024
    Don't worry so much about what it all means, lie back and let the tape hiss. [Jun 2024, p.89]
  13. 80
    Pratt has long been a consummate texturalist; mining the pop playbook in resourceful ways, she’s now an exemplary tunesmith as well – the result is sublime.