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55 votes

The monster that can't be killed

It may be a good idea to have the tag blacklisted. I've reached out to Community Managers at the Tavern on the Meta as this can only be done by Stack Exchange employees. SE developers can blacklist ...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 46.2k
23 votes

What do a writer, taxi, and horse have in common?

It seems to have three primary uses: The poster thinks they've been hacked, and they want to undo what the bad software/entity did. Example. The poster is trying to break into something and needs ...
Ben N's user avatar
  • 41.3k
22 votes

Is there any difference between the tags "windows-server-2003" and "windows-2003-server"?

Agreed. Windows Server 2003 appears to be the main tag and lines up with the actual product name. Merged and synonymised. updating post history, 22 rows affected (pipe delimited) updating posts, 19 ...
Mokubai's user avatar
  • 93.8k
17 votes

Time to change [pop] flavor(s)

pop as referring to the mail protocol isn't a bad tag. It definitely shouldn't mean "Post Office Protocol" and "pop-ups" at the same time, though. There is already a much more widely-used pop3 (>170 ...
Ben N's user avatar
  • 41.3k
17 votes

Let's part ways with [computer-parts]

Considering that Super User has a seperate tag for nearly all computer parts, (ram, cpu, power-supply, hard-drive, motherboard, graphics-card just to name some), I think this tag can safely be removed....
Tim G.'s user avatar
  • 1,497
15 votes

Is [numbering] tag useful or too vague?

I see no way that this tag is even remotely useful. I'm amazed that it's amassed over 100 questions. We should burninate it.
Excellll's user avatar
  • 12.7k
14 votes

Don't hate the [player] hate the tag

Yes, player is too meta. What to do about it? On many questions, it's just decoration, duplicating a specific player tag. Delete those. On some other questions, separate word tags are used in place ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.6k
12 votes

I recommend tossing [hardware-rec]

I agree philosophically, but as a practical matter, blatantly off-topic tags serve a useful function when they are subjects that will always be improperly posted here. We will never stop hardware or ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.6k
10 votes

Pew Pew the Laser Tag

Set Lasers to Kill. Leave none standing. Feels like the classic MetaTag. I'm doubtful the average end user will be working directly on a laser sans other context.
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 130k
10 votes

aria2 vs. aria2c?

aria2c has been merged into aria2 and a synonym created. updating post history, 8 rows affected (pipe delimited) updating posts, 8 rows affected (pipe delimited) updating PostTags associations, 5 ...
Mokubai's user avatar
  • 93.8k
9 votes

Disconnect the [intermittent] tag

Yeah, it gives no useful information at all. And its small enough not to flood the front page. I'd be inclined to wait a day or two, and if no one has a good reason to keep it, nuke it.
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 130k
8 votes

Pew Pew the Laser Tag

I have removed all of these now. The majority required the laser-printer tag adding. There were a few talking about optical mice but not enough for a new tag of optical-mouse so I left these as mouse.
Burgi's user avatar
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8 votes

aria2 vs. aria2c?

My understanding is the same as yours: both aria2 and aria2c are used interchangeably. They should be synonymized. The command you use to run the utility is aria2c. From that point of view, using it ...
Alexey Ivanov's user avatar
7 votes

The monster that can't be killed

TylerH mentions in a comment the idea of using a synonym. This might be a simple solution for all problematic tags. It could work like this: Create an anchor question that is tagged with do-not-use-...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.6k
7 votes

aria2 vs. aria2c?

aria2 is package name and aria2c is a binary file inside it. As you can see here, aria2c is the only executable file inside aria2 package. Also its official website says: aria2 is a lightweight ...
SuB's user avatar
  • 765
7 votes

Drop kick [dropout]

Taken care of by @DavidPostill as per his comment: tag deleted from those four questions...
I say Reinstate Monica's user avatar
6 votes

Is application-error an error?

I say burninate application-error. Super User has a long-standing tradition of burninating error-related tags. I see no reason to break this tradition now. error: What could we do with the [error] ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
  • 14.7k
5 votes

Time to change [pop] flavor(s)

Since POP reached version 3 before Internet popularity became mainstream, and then stayed at that version number, nearly all POP users use POP3. One solution: split into two tags by renaming POP to ...
TOOGAM's user avatar
  • 16k
5 votes

Clean up document formatting tags

I thought there was a page formatting tag covering all these things, but apparently not. Individual tags for every page element make no sense. However, an argument can be made for a page formatting ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.6k
5 votes

Manufacturer & Company tags are back. Again

While going through the google questions I came across one with a konica. Konica are a manufacturer of printers, scanners, etc. (I think they have a heavy industry division as well). There are only ...
5 votes

What do a writer, taxi, and horse have in common?

Just to close the loop on this question, the tag has been cleaned up. The majority were simply decoration, others were retagged as appropriate, following suggestions in the answers and comments.
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.6k
5 votes

Unsynonomize [synaptic] and [synaptics]

I agree that they are distinct and separate. It seems that the original synonym was created here and someone even mentioned the unfortunate nature of the synonym. I have broken the synonym, a tag ...
Mokubai's user avatar
  • 93.8k
4 votes

Manufacturer & Company tags are back. Again

Even after we destroy tags, they can be recreated. I just re-torched asus; it had accumulated four questions in a couple weeks. You can see a list of newly invented tags on the "new" tab of the tags ...
4 votes

Is [GNU] a manufacturer meta tag?

I don’t know what the manufacturer meta tag list is but from reading Manufacturer & Company tags are back, I gather that it’s a way of removing tags that aren’t particularly useful by replacing ...
Anthony Geoghegan's user avatar
4 votes

I speak [spanish], and [english] too…

I agree, but you only found the tip of the issue. We also have tags for german, chinese, korean, japanese, farsi, arabic, and hebrew that I found in a quick search (there's likely more). I think any ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.6k
4 votes

Let's deal with the [if] tag, else it'll become a problem

While most legit uses of if will be conditional statements, there will likely be a small but significant number of posters looking for tags to add, and if is a very common word. I believe the better ...
music2myear's user avatar
  • 43.2k
3 votes

Clean up document formatting tags

Sounds like these might fit into text-formatting as it is formatting the text around the page. We would need to synonymize those and then add those meta-features to the tag wiki. That being said, the ...
Raystafarian's user avatar
  • 21.8k
3 votes

How to handle acronym tags, especially if not unique?

A standalone "Do not use" tag for the acronym, that guides users to the spelled out tags, would seem to be the best solution within SE's current features and limitations. The main problem with that ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.6k
3 votes

Let's expel [native]

Seems like the classic meta tag. It should go. I've started trickle editing them. Annd gone
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 130k

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