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11 votes

How can I use grave accents or backticks (`) in a question?

How can I type two backtick characters without formatting my text in unwanted way? Use \ as an escape character: This is some text with `backticks` and some more `text with backticks` Source: This ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 159k
9 votes

Formatted text rendered wrongly in question but is correct in edit preview

Fundamentally - we didn't have code fences then. We do now. Essentially - the conversion from markdown to rendered markup happens once - when the post is posted. For extra fun - since its an odd ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 130k
9 votes

Markdown to preserve multiline block quotes?

The blockquotes works on the assumption that you have an actual quotation that needs to be formatted as plain word wrapped text. It does not preserve line endings unless you insert them with a double ...
Mokubai's user avatar
  • 93.8k
8 votes

How can I use grave accents or backticks (`) in a question?

This question is rather confused. What does the Alt key have to do with your requiring two backticks ` [not tildes, btw, they're ~ ] Stack Exchange uses markdown for formatting, which means two ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 50k
5 votes

Can we allow both back-slashes and forward-slashes in Stack Exchange mark-down language tags?

Stack Exchange primarily uses CommonMark - and there's a specification for the use of raw html within it While a subset is supported - its supported within the specification. I currently Stack ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 130k
3 votes

Displayed answer not consistent with edit mode

To display a single blank line between your two code lines you can separate them using: <!-- comment --> Followed by a blank line: awk 'BEGIN {RS="\0"} {match($0,/templateUrl: .*/,m); gsub("...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 159k
2 votes

Embedded image no longer click-able?

We can see the Markdown changes by clicking "side by side markdown" in the revision history. The image appears to have been modified in the "side-by-side" view because part of the Markdown that ...
Ben N's user avatar
  • 41.3k
2 votes

Why don't 4 indents turn characters to monospace typeface after numbered lines?

You need more indents after a numbered list line. (Can never have enough indents) It works fine, and... it does with more indents after a numbered line It works fine, and... it does with more ...
Mokubai's user avatar
  • 93.8k
2 votes

Can I embed a Twitter post in my answer?

I'd go with a self contained answer referencing the tweet. A screenshot would be nice, but it would be as simple as "I contacted the discord team via twitter - and they responded, that it was ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
  • 130k

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