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Questions tagged [status-completed]

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-4 votes
1 answer

Request for bounty on this question about common MS Outlook 2013 problem?

I apologise if this request offends or wounds anyone. For the past several months, I've failed to find an answer or resolution to this Outlook 2013 problem: How to exclude notifications for all junk ...
user avatar
2 votes
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Question closed as duplicate of a similar one

I just posted this question about enabling font smoothing for select applications, and it got closed as a dupe of a problem with quick switching for all applications. I understand it must have been an ...
user1306322's user avatar
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40 votes
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Remove the [Glitch] tag

The glitch tag has no use. The top five questions don't relate at all. In order: Glitch detection in MP3 files Glitchy GPU output Office 2013 drawing oddly Mouse moving on its own Sound card ...
Jon's user avatar
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2 votes
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Split the [dolphin] tag

dolphin is currently used for both the file manager and the Dolphin emulator. The tag info says: File manager for KDE As there are only 13 questions tagged with dolphin, and as I don't have ...
Léo Lam's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

The accepted answer styling makes 'votes' invisible in search

See for example this search query: 'votes' is invisible here -- it's styled a pure white. Also, I believe there should be some border or background on the box surrounding the '2 votes'. Can this ...
hichris123's user avatar
45 votes
0 answers

modprobe -r [modules]

60 questions tagged modules. Most of them are dealing with kernel-modules. Others talk about Apache2/Perl/Python/Puppet/Drupal/Slax modules. There's even one about memory modules. The [modules] tag ...
user49740's user avatar
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3 votes
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Sketchup tag rename needed

We have two Sketchup tags: sketch-up and google-sketchup. They both refer to the same program and neither tag name is correct. The first has five questions and the tag was created with an ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.5k
5 votes
1 answer

Rename [XBMC] tag to [Kodi]

XBMC was renamed/rebranded to Kodi: I'm not too clear on the right way to propose this. Proposing: new Kodi tag make tag synonym for XBMC to point/resolve to ...
Enigma's user avatar
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5 votes
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We're in the [same-state] as a messy tagged site

Does anyone know how to be an expert at same-state? Who are the experts that would benefit from this tag? Get rid of it!
Canadian Luke's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Do people still use a [downloader]?

Nice useless meta tag. downloader is only a useful tag when people tell you just what downloader they are using. On its own it serves no purpose. Only a few questions tagged with it so it's an easy ...
Mokubai's user avatar
  • 93.7k
27 votes
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Too many [options] to choose from

There are a lot of questions tagged with options. It's extremely meta, and there are no "options" experts that would benefit from a tag like this. I suggest burninate, and black list.
Canadian Luke's user avatar
15 votes
0 answers

Close down the [small-business] here!

The small-business tag seems quite meta, and I don't see how an "expert" in small business would profit from using this tag. Thoughts? Should we keep it or get rid of it?
Canadian Luke's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

You're fired: Burn the [position] tag

position seems quite meta - no useful description, and no consistency, and it will not help experts in "positioning" find questions, in my opinion. I vote to fire it
Canadian Luke's user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

DROP [columns] FROM tags;

There are 103 questions tagged with columns, and they are all over the map: several Excel questions that involve a column of data somehow (i.e., Excel questions), some questions about manipulating ...
Excellll's user avatar
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Reopen request 855983

I've now fixed the title of my question so it is in line with the topic of home networking: Can a home PPPoE connection access all websites, regardless of the site infrastructure's MTU settings? ...
SilverlightFox's user avatar

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