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Questions tagged [feature-request]

You have an idea for a new feature, or for a change to the existing functionality.

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Pondering mod status tags

We've been using the status tags - things like status-review were used for 'internal' SU moderation tasks. At some point, review tags on per site meta get fed into tickets internally. I feel like a ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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When a person has a problem with his PC, don't help him or her. Don't even accept his or her question!

Why do I make such a statement? Because questions, where people say they have a problem with their computer, nowadays become audit tests: I just ...
Dominique's user avatar
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Has it ever been considered to raise the 30K character limit for answers?

Most questions can be comprehensively answered within the confines of 30K characters, however there are the occasional comprehensive answers that could benefit from additional comprehensive info that ...
JW0914's user avatar
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We need an 'AI generated' choice for flagging answers

I was reviewing some questions and answers and found that one of the answers is obviously generated by a Generative AI like ChatGPT. These kind of AI-generated answers are increasing, so I believe ...
user67275's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to find out what this site's on-topic and off-topic questions are?

There is no quick and easy way to find what are the topics of Super User, nor what is off-topic The Gives a very (and too) brief information in its first paragraph as to what is ...
Olivier Dulac's user avatar
7 votes
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Can we find a canonical QA to close 'will this charger work?' questions against?

We get so many of these, with only minor variations. My google-fu is failing to find one single canonical QA we could use to close these against. Can anyone find - or indeed write - one we can use as ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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9 votes
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Combatting Spam: Enhancing Keyword Approval and Filtering

Recently, as a regular user focused mainly on Q&A, I've noticed a surge in spam content related to the "HERO RUPEE LOAN CUSTOMER CARE HELPLINE NUMBER". These posts consist of spam ...
Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style's user avatar
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Will this site get a dark mode? [duplicate]

That's it, that's the question. Can we get a dark mode? I am reluctant to use these dark-mode Chrome extensions, and I think all the StackExchange sites should have a dark mode, regardless.
dmanexe's user avatar
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Should the CSS for H1 be changed here?

I was a bit surprised to discover that using headings is considered "yelling here" (see edit here). I'm familiar with the idea that ALL CAPS is yelling, that's common across the internet ...
Philip Couling's user avatar
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Software recs - better user guidance

There are many software rec questions on meta, involving correct tags, how to ask etc, but I can't find one that covers this aspect. No matter how well a user follows the guidelines in How do I ask a ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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-1 votes
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I would like to search my own question, even though somebody has deleted it

Some time ago, I have asked this question, and the comments contain the information I was looking for. Later on, that question has been deleted by somebody else. Now I would like to be able to search ...
Dominique's user avatar
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Can we allow both back-slashes and forward-slashes in Stack Exchange mark-down language tags?

I like that the super-user site supports a limited subset of HTMl tags. One of the supported HTML tags is <kbd> tags for keyboard text. Given that Stack Exchange mark-down language is not HTML, ...
Samuel Muldoon's user avatar
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Why no way to object to deleted post by moderator?

Presently there is no way to question a moderator decision to delete a post. Not even a comment is possible. I think this puts too much power in moderators and brings frustration to the post author. ...
akostadinov's user avatar
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Slogan/motto/credo/goal/summary of site next to logo

This video (“Uncovering Stack Overflow's TOXICITY” which is about SE being toxic to newbies) got me thinking. I agree that the FAQ is too long and hard to find on most Stack Exchange sites, and it ...
Cees Timmerman's user avatar
-5 votes
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New tag request - 'newbie-friendly'

I realise this is unlikely to be added by the newcomer themselves, but sometimes the simplest "LMGTFY" questions are from people new to a given platform/OS; they haven't yet really figured ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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