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Cerbrus's user avatar
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
213 votes

Thanks a million, Jon Skeet

202 votes

Should we take the OP's English level into account when answering?

165 votes

Why can I no longer see that a post has a negative score?

160 votes

Is it OK to systematically edit the questions titles like this?

153 votes

A commitment to amend and move forward

150 votes

How is this "question" not spam?

143 votes

Should we allow people to offer help via outside communications like TeamViewer?

135 votes

Rename the Necromancer badge

130 votes

Please don't shoot the messenger, what can I do better?

128 votes

I'm resigning as a Stack Overflow community elected moderator

114 votes

How to treat bad English sentence syntax and typo hell?

114 votes

Wikipedia like pop-over for Stack Overflow links

111 votes

Should I downvote an accepted answer if it's burying down better answer(s) down below?

107 votes

Can the expression "final solution" be used on the site?

106 votes

2016 Stack Overflow Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

104 votes

What can we put in a question template to help people ask better questions?

100 votes

Preview of Search and Question-Asking Powered by GenAI

96 votes

How can we avoid "overhang" code indentation?

90 votes

Handling OP's pre-emptive, defensive instructions

90 votes

Developer Survey 2018: Any Topic Suggestions?

89 votes

Documentation should be elitist

89 votes

How well should gold badge holders prove the correctness of their unhammering?

86 votes

New Contributor Indicator! Can we make it less intrusive?

84 votes

Let interested 2k+ users also suggest edits

83 votes

Can a question be a duplicate if it's totally different?

82 votes

Topic suggestions for the 2016 Stack Overflow Developer Survey

82 votes

Did I not blockquote this correctly?

76 votes

(UPDATED 2023 May 8) - Changes to the Census badge

75 votes

How can I change my email address on Stack Overflow?

74 votes

Instantly deleted comments?

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