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Questions tagged [moderator-resignation]

Posts to the community regarding moderators stepping down from the role. Do not use this tag to ask questions about moderator resignations or removals.

426 votes
6 answers

I'm standing down as a moderator

I'm going to be short and blunt on this. I'm stepping down as an elected moderator for personal reasons - nothing related to SO. Heck... the current moderator team is awesome - you're not missing much ...
Jon Clements's user avatar
324 votes
13 answers

Two B or not two B - Farewell, BoltClock and Bhargav!

On November 22nd and 23rd, 2021 we celebrated two big anniversaries - a 10 year moderator tenure for BoltClock on the 23rd and a 5 year tenure for Bhargav Rao. In their ways, these two have done an ...
Catija's user avatar
  • 367
1148 votes
26 answers

I am resigning as moderator on Stack Overflow

Effective immediately, I am resigning from my position as moderator on Stack Overflow. I will no longer actively participate on the site or network sites. I will move whatever discussions I can with ...
Madara's Ghost's user avatar
856 votes
15 answers

Yet another "step down as moderator" post

It saddens me and breaks my heart in a lot of ways to do so, so I'd like to explain very briefly "why". Can't say much because I'd have to plagiarise George Stocker's resignation notice and he's ...
Jon Clements's user avatar
2025 votes
23 answers

I'm resigning as a Stack Overflow community elected moderator

I'm resigning as a Stack Overflow moderator. Thank you to everyone who has worked hard to make this Q&A site what it is. I'm resigning for three reasons: Stack Overflow Inc. has forgotten how ...
George Stocker's user avatar
451 votes
9 answers

Why I Resigned as a Moderator

Prologue Earlier today, I resigned as a moderator on both Stack Overflow and Ebooks. I feel I owe this community some attempt at an explanation. Please understand that I cannot offer a full ...
elixenide's user avatar
  • 44.6k
1322 votes
16 answers

I'm resigning as a moderator from all Stack Exchange sites

I'm resigning as a moderator from all Stack Exchange sites, effective today. I didn't make this decision lightly, frivolously or suddenly. A persistent pattern of corporate missteps, and a ...
Robert Harvey's user avatar
694 votes
11 answers

November 2015 Stack Overflow Community Moderator Election RESULTS

Stack Overflow's November 2015 moderator election has come to a close, the robots have transferred many single votes to tally up the results, and the 3 new moderators are: They'll be joining the ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k
283 votes
5 answers

Welcome two new moderators: Matt and Jon!

Moderator bluefeet has decided to step down in order to pursue a new career. While we all wish her the best of luck, there's no denying that her efforts will be missed... Especially the hundreds of ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k
1321 votes
18 answers

April 2015 Community Moderator Election RESULTS

Stack Overflow's 6th moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 3 new moderators are: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k
570 votes
4 answers

February 2014 Stack Overflow Community Moderator Election RESULTS

Stack Overflow's February 2014 moderator election has come to a close, sacrifices have been made at the altar of STV, and the 3 new moderators are: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k
167 votes
3 answers

Handing back my mod diamond

To Josh, Stack Team, and Community, As per my Skype conversation with Josh this evening, I am giving immediate notice of my resignation as a Stack Overflow moderator. It's been a hell of a ride ...
Kev's user avatar
  • 119k
334 votes
2 answers

Spring 2013 Stack Overflow Community Moderator Election Results

As foretold by Punxsutawney Phil, Stack Overflow's Spring 2013 Community Moderator Election has come to an end. Your votes have been counted according to the hallowed traditions of Meek STV, and the ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k