A question I had answered almost 4 years ago, was marked as duplicate of a far newer question. I know it's acceptable to mark older questions as duplicates of newer questions with better responses and I'm okay with that. What makes me a bit concerned is that the author of the newer Q&A, being well aware of the older Q&A (as pointed out in the comments), has deliberately started a new question and answered it instead of adding another answer to the older question and/or editing the question itself. Is such behaviour appropriate? It feels like reputation hoarding to me.


I'd like to further explain, why I don't consider such behaviour (in this particular case) acceptable. While I do agree that having a proper MCVE means a lot for a canonical Q&A, the author doesn't seem to be concerned about that. Here is the author's response to another user referencing the question I've answered:

That's a very valid point you brought up. That answer is pretty good. It's the dupe target I've been using. But there were two main reasons I created this Q&A instead. To put it briefly: : (1) IMHO, the other answer went to in-depth about namespaces and global lookup details, rather than just focusing on the main question. (2) I think it would've been good if the answer had talked a bit more about what built-ins are, to make the post more general. Right now, it just seems to localized.

In other words, the author's main motivation was a subjective opinion about my answer, not the question itself. Moreover, since the author hasn't covered the same topics I have in my post, I will now have to post a copy of my old answer under the canonical Q&A to provide this information, which is frowned upon. I believe that the author should've simply added another answer to the old question, if he/she was dissatisfied with the answers.

Update 2

At this point I think the consensus is pretty clear, and it's now time to clean up the mess I've started. We can move this discussion into a separate thread, but I'll start it here.

  1. I believe that Christian had no poor intentions, and this whole situation is rather unfortunate. Therefore, I move that all votes cast on his Q&A within the last days should be invalidated (as far as I know the platform provides such capabilities).
  2. Since both questions are equivalent (at face value) this makes it necessary to mark one of them as duplicate of the other. And since the question I've answered is already marked as duplicate, I think we can leave it that way. My only concern is the increased likelihood of people missing out on the information I've given in my answer (as it is now posted under a duplicate) that is absent in Christian's answer. Given the number of views and positive votes on the older thread, that information is useful enough to include it in the canonical Q&A Christian has started. I think that he can simply copy my response along with other useful answers from the old thread into his answer and adapt the text to better suit his message and style of writing. I see no need to reference the old thread directly.
  • 10
    The older question has no MCVE though. If I were to write a detailed explanation like that, I also wouldn't want to post it under a question that requires guessing.
    – user2285236
    Commented Mar 9, 2019 at 21:18
  • 2
    @ayhan fair enough, though you can always edit the question itself Commented Mar 9, 2019 at 21:18
  • 5
    Maybe the intention isn't that obvious, although it is mentioned in the comments. When a google query like "python type error" has 203 million hits then programmers get into trouble, that's too much help. So a type error question gets asked over and over again, these two "canonicals" help to get them closed. They are the "dup target". Commented Mar 9, 2019 at 22:06
  • 1
    @HansPassant shouldn't the answer be a community wiki then? Commented Mar 9, 2019 at 22:26
  • 8
    No, making an answer with 203 million explanations easy to edit is not a good idea. Commented Mar 9, 2019 at 22:50
  • 16
    In this particular case, I can't condone the creation of a new Q&A. While yes, the original question was lacking a MCVE, the fact that the OP accepted an answer made it perfectly clear what the problem was. The question could simply have been edited into shape. The creation of a new Q&A did 2 things: It showed a massive disrespect for all the effort people had put into writing their answers, and it effectively invalidated all the voting that had taken place on those answers, artificially catapulting Christian Dean's answer to the top. In my opinion, that was absolutely not ok.
    – Aran-Fey
    Commented Mar 10, 2019 at 19:07
  • 1
    I'm a little bit affraid by the voting pattern after this meta post. stackoverflow.com/posts/45740182/timeline. See no evil. It's like both poster tryed to make some valuable contribution. Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 12:26
  • 4
    "It feels like reputation hoarding to me": but Martijn Pieters closed the question as dupe, not Christian, how can it be rep farming? Besides I know Christian's posts and true, there are high-rep rep farmers but he's not one of them. Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 12:46
  • 4
    It's the meta effect, but there is Nothing to win in a Trial by meta. Once again see no evil. Even if it's not the proper way, I don't believe that there is any bad itention, he just wanted to make a cannonical. We could just try to clean up the mess. Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 12:51
  • 2
    @Jean-FrançoisFabre "how can it be rep farming" – starting a near-identical duplicate of an existing question and positioning his/her answer as something canonical seems pointless to me unless an author wants to see his/her question as the top answer and wants his/her Q&A to be a dupe target, despite adding nothing new to the table. I would've been extremely supportive, had Christian posted the answer under the old question. Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 12:56
  • 2
    @DragandDrop it's important to recognise, that no one is down-voting the answer, because it is a good post, people are down-voting the question. Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 12:57
  • 2
    downvoting the question of a canonical self-answer is like downvoting the answer. Maybe Christian could turn his Q&A to community wiki so noone would complain anymore. Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 12:58
  • 2
    @Jean-FrançoisFabre the answer is only canonical, because the author has decided to call it that way, so I don't think that making a tight connection between the question and the answer is valid in this case. Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 13:01
  • 3
    @Jean-FrançoisFabre I don't care about upvotes (as is clear from my recent answer record, I tend to answer low-coverage questions). Moreover, my answer is clearly not of the "just fix the typo" kind, implying that is an insult. Somehow, you don't seem to have the same attitude towards the other author. And I don't think you are in any position to tell me, what I should be grateful for. That is plain arrogant and patronising. Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 15:17
  • 2
    It appears that this post is attracting ~~ too much Meta effect. People are probably downvoting the newer question because they don't like the OP's behavior -- even duplicates can be useful as signposts...
    – user202729
    Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 16:43

2 Answers 2


Having imagined myself hitting the error

“TypeError: 'list' object is not callable”

I find that MCVE is not so crucial for such questions: this is the rare case, when I just need to google for the error message, and the answer itself guides me to which things I need to search in my code. Why bother an asker to prepare an MCVE, if the error message itself is sufficient for an answer?

Aside from an MCVE, the difference between the new and old questions is very superfluous (e.g., I find that from the beginner's point of view the old question is more "native"), so I don’t see any reason to create the new question. And answers for the new question, except the last one, are perfectly fit for the old question.

I also don't think that adding an MCVE into the "old" question would make the question to be better recognizable when someone searches for the error message.

Currently, the code in the question contains the single line

example = list('easyhoss')

which I (as a person who has hit the error message and who is searching for it) could almost perfectly recognize:

Yes, this looks very similar to how I create the list in my code, and the error message points to that line.

Would the question post contain an MCVE like

list = ['a', 'b']
example = list('easyhoss')

I would still perfectly recognize the last line, but recognizing the first line causes the problems because I don't know what is important in that MCVE:

  1. Is it crucial that two assignments comes in serial? If yes, then my code doesn't fit for this MCVE, so I need to search another question.
  2. Is it crucial that the previous list is created using [...] notation? If yes, then my code doesn't fit to it, since I don't use such notation at all.
  3. Ok, so I have two lists in the code assigned to different arbitrary variables. Do you really want to tell me that this is a problem in Python?!

An MCVE works well when possible answerer tries to understand the problem. An MCVE works well when one wants to understand the answer. (In that case the answer itself may have its own version of an MCVE.)

But when searching the question for a specific problem, one could match:

  1. The line in the code which is pointed by the error message.
  2. Some other lines in the code which are relevant to the error message according to the knowledge of the searcher.

For example, when getting the error message

“TypeError: 'my_super_func' object is not callable”

even a beginner in Python could understand that definition of their function my_super_func is relevant to the problem.

But when catching the error message

“TypeError: 'list' object is not callable”

a beginner does not treat assignment to the list variable as relevant, because from their point of view, the list() is a special function (or even a language construction) which can be provided only by Python itself.

Yes, after reading the first answer to the question, a beginner's knowledge should expand, so they will treat assignment of a list variable to be relevant to the problem. But know it is too late to recognize the question - one should try to recognize the answer (whether it fits for their actual problem).

  • 2
    (according to the OP of the new Q&A pair) Although the new answer fits the question, it doesn't fit the asker (the asker of the first question have some deeper confusion about scoping rules etc.)
    – user202729
    Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 16:53
  • 2
    Hm, I have re-read both questions and the self-answer for the new one. And still doesn't find the answer to fit better for the new question than for the old one. Neither question seems to be about scoping rules.
    – Tsyvarev
    Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 20:01
  • "I find that MCVE is not so crucial for such question" - if the question you want to ask is "what does this error mean?", then sure; but that is probably best resolved with an English dictionary and some reasoning skills, rather than a search for technical information. If the question you want to ask is "why does this part of the code result in (this error message | an attempt to call a list)?", then an MCVE absolutely is necessary - it would be the result of attempting to debug the code. Commented Feb 3, 2023 at 11:47
  • @KarlKnechtel: "probably best resolved with an English dictionary and some reasoning skills" - Both these skills are not sufficient for resolve even this simple problem in Python without some knowledge of the Python. Moreover, the required knowledge - that any symbol in the Python can be redefined by a user - is not the one which every beginner has. BTW, this is why Stack Overflow is so useful: It allows me to find a receipt which I cannot deduce at my level of understanding of the technology.
    – Tsyvarev
    Commented Feb 3, 2023 at 12:33
  • 1
    Right, they aren't sufficient to resolve the problem in the canonical, that the code shadows the builtin. But that is not the question prompted directly by the error message. There are many other things that can cause this error, besides shadowing the built-in list. For example, erroneously using () instead of [] to subscript. Which is why a MCVE would be necessary. Otherwise, people with the latter problem will be directed to something useless and misleading (i.e., this canonical, which is a different question for the same error message). Commented Feb 3, 2023 at 12:37
  • @KarlKnechtel: "For example, erroneously using () instead of [] to subscript. Which is why a MCVE would be necessary." - The question actually contains code which is pointed by the error message: example = list('easyhoss'). So it is definitely not about subscripting. But that code is not a MCVE, because it misses some other line which redefines list.
    – Tsyvarev
    Commented Feb 3, 2023 at 12:48
  • Sure. But it should have an MCVE (and I am discussing the matter in chat); and while people looking for it won't necessarily have one, they'd be better off if they'd put in the work to create one. In particular, MCVEs need to be able to work from a new session; so if they'd tried the obvious thing and found that the bug went away, then they'd have the hint that something previous in the session was responsible. Commented Feb 3, 2023 at 12:56
  • @KarlKnechtel: Am I correctly understand that you suggest people who just search on SO to create a MCVE? But such requirement doesn't look reasonable. If I face with a strange error message, then my first step is to search for it. If that search gives me a perfect hit, then ... it is great! If that search gives me hundreds of questions, I could read several of them for get some understanding of the error and things which could affect on it. Only with that all understanding I could be able to reduce my code to MCVE. (Or I could try to search key things in my complete code).
    – Tsyvarev
    Commented Feb 3, 2023 at 14:38
  • 1
    No; I'm saying that the question we're talking about should be edited to include an MCVE so that people who search for it, can see the setup in the question. Even if they didn't identify the setup properly themselves, they can recognize it. Commented Feb 3, 2023 at 14:42
  • Sorry for misunderstanding (my English is not so good), now I get your point. I updated my answer with my thoughts why MCVE doesn't help in recognition. During that update I have improved my understanding: It is not MCVE but relevant code which helps a person, who searches, to recognize their problem in the question post. But "relevance" should be measured before reading the answer. May be, I will further edit my answer and put "relevance" aspects closer to the beginning of the post.
    – Tsyvarev
    Commented Feb 3, 2023 at 17:15

Since this meta discussion is related to a Q&A post I created, I think it'd be a good idea to give my two cents. Hopefully I can shed some light on my rationale for keeping my Q&A posted and attempt to address your concerns.

What makes me a bit concerned is that the author of the newer Q&A, being well aware of the older Q&A (as pointed out in the comments), has deliberately started a new question and answered it instead of adding another answer to the older question and/or editing the question itself.

Yes, you're right. I did decide to intentionally create a new Q&A pair, and keep it posted. My reason for doing so was because, after reading your answer and the question, I decided that it was appropriate for me to leave my new Q&A pair posted.

The problem in the askers's question was caused because, somewhere in their code, they re-assigned the built-in name list. Your answer did address this problem. However, in your subsequent edits, you decided to refocus your answer to primarily explain how python namespaces and scoping work, since it was clear from the askers's comments that's where his confusion actually laid. The real reason the asker was having problems was because they misunderstood how Python's namespacing worked.

After observing all of this, it was clear to me that, although yes, I could post an answer on the question, and edit the question to suit my answer, it would be better to simply create a new Q&A to solely deal with the problem of redefining built-in names; the question and your answer dealt with a different, but still very useful topic. I didn't want to mess it up. So I believed it would be best to leave the question and your answer alone, and create an entirely new post to deal with the distinct topic of overwriting built-in names.

Is such behaviour appropriate? It feels like reputation hoarding to me.

Now, I'd like to be perfectly honest, I'm not trying to pretend that reputation did not play a role in creating my Q&A pair. When I was in the process of considering creating a new Q&A post, I obviously had reputation as an incentive. However, the point I'm trying to make, is that reputation was the not the reason why, after being directed toward your answer, I decided to keep my Q&A post open. In my view, the question linked and your answer, while at a glance appearing to deal with overwriting built in names, actually dealt with a different, yet nevertheless helpful, topic. Because of this, I thought that my Q&A pair was a quality post that dealt with a distinct, well-defined problem.

I'd like to further explain, why I don't consider such behaviour (in this particular case) acceptable. While I do agree that having a proper MCVE means a lot for a canonical Q&A, the author doesn't seem to be concerned about that.

I'm glad you referenced my comment, because I'd like to elaborate on it a bit. When @AndrasDeak originally posted the link to your answer and the question it was responding to, I admit that, while I read the linked post and I knew why I thought my new Q&A pair was justified, I didn't take the time to communicate my thoughts in a comment properly. I didn't take the time to flesh out in enough detail a response to @AndrasDeak. While my comment touched upon my reasoning, it didn't elaborate. That's my bad.

. . . since the author hasn't covered the same topics I have in my post, I will now have to post a copy of my old answer under the canonical Q&A to provide this information . . .

Yes, I know I didn't cover the same topics as you did. Again, that was intentional. As I explained above, the reason for me creating a new Q&A post was because I felt your post and the question you addressed and my Q&A pair had two, ultimately distinct topics. Your answer is great for the topic of the question you were addressing. There's no need to re-post it.

I believe that the author should've simply added another answer to the old question, if he/she was dissatisfied with the answers.

I understand your perspective. And I can understand why you're frustrated. I understand you feel as if my Q&A post is me reputation hoarding and I'm trying to bump my post to the top. But I feel my reasoning is valid and I have good reason to keep my Q&A up. Nevertheless, if you and community have a reason to disagree, I am willing to delete my Q&A post and repost my answer on the older question.

  • 12
    You say the two questions deal with different topics. Could you elaborate why you think they're different? To me, they look exactly the same (except one has a MCVE and the other hasn't). What makes you so sure that this question that lacks a MCVE is different from your own question?
    – Aran-Fey
    Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 7:52
  • 5
    "The question and your answer dealt with a different, but still very useful topic" – with all due respect I fail to see in what way(s) these two questions are different. Our answers are indeed quite different, as we've decided to focus on different aspects of the issue, but that only means that you should've posted your answer under the old question and let users decide, which of them is actually more or less helpful. Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 12:34
  • 3
    @Aran-Fey I already did that in my answer. I addressed your question in my first several paragraphs. Do you have a specific question about those paragraphs?
    – Chris
    Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 14:20
  • 2
    @EliKorvigo Could you explain how my post 'invalidates' older answers? That seems to be the crux of your problem, no? And to address your previous comments: I explained why I felt the questions were different in my answer. Do you have a specific problem with my reasoning that you'd like to express?
    – Chris
    Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 14:29
  • 1
    That was my first thought, @Jean-FrançoisFabre, but I'm afraid that doesn't actually seem like it fixes the problem Eli has.
    – Chris
    Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 14:43
  • 2
    the question is a borderline typo anyway. Some could close with "typo" with a comment explaining that you should not use builtins as variable names. Very brave of you to have answered and face an angry mob. Sorry for that. Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 15:05
  • 6
    @Jean-FrançoisFabre Normally I'd agree, but I feel in this case overwriting a builtin is more than a typo. Sure for more experienced programmers using a builtin name could just be a simple typo, but for new Python users, using a builtin is often a deliberate action. New Python users don't overwrite built-in names because they made a typo, rather, they overwrite builtin names because they don't see anything wrong with it - they don't understand a fundamental concept of Python: builtin names.
    – Chris
    Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 15:17
  • 4
    Yeah @EliKorvigo, that's basically my point. The question stems from a user's ignorance, not their mistyping.
    – Chris
    Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 15:22
  • 1
    @ChristianDean "...how my post 'invalidates' older answers?" – for one, the older question is now marked as duplicate and any user will likely simply choose to read the "original". The very reason it is marked as duplicate goes to prove that the questions are identical. The traditional way to choose a better answer is to put them side by side and let the community decide. By separating the answers, you've replaced this democratic mechanism with an authoritarian one – a couple of votes (or even a single one in this case) is sufficient to raise the duplicate flag. Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 15:35
  • 3
    ". . . yes, but those interactions come under my answer, not the question itself. Any new user googling the same error will not be drawn to comments. He or she will be drawn to the question." I think the solution in this case is to reframe the question, so the problem is more clear, and incoming users don't have to waste time.
    – Chris
    Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 16:09
  • 3
    Here's my issue with what you did: The problem with starting your own Q&A was that it is very similar to the original question, because whatever misunderstanding the original OP had, none of it was mentioned in the question itself. At face value, the question asked how to fix an error. It didn't ask "How do builtins work?" or "How do namespaces work?" or anything like that. Explaining namespaces is a nice bonus, but not a requirement for a valid answer. In other words, the question is exactly the same as yours. It is a question about shadowing a builtin, not a question about namespaces.
    – Aran-Fey
    Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 17:05
  • 5
    This looks super reasonable to me, I can't for the life of me understand the downvotes on this answer, nor do I understand the need that some people have to destroy value because of an inferred slight of some sort. Doing anything but leaving both questions open would be a disservice to the internet.
    – user4639281
    Commented Mar 12, 2019 at 0:42
  • 3
    Yes @TinyGiant, I agree. It seems that the main probably for most is that they felt I gamed the system and unfairly stole reputation that I didn't deserve. I'm afraid I disagree.
    – Chris
    Commented Mar 12, 2019 at 1:22
  • 4
    @SheeceGardazi "I have not read guidelines for q&a on stack-overflow. My personal opinion . . ." With all due respect, it would probably be best if you did read Stack Overflow's guidelines. While I most certainly respect your personal opinion, I feel that it's inappropriate to purely use your own personal opinion to guide your actions on Stack Overflow. Stack Overflow is a community with set rules. Participating in the community means following those rules, not your own.
    – Chris
    Commented Mar 12, 2019 at 7:53
  • 2
    @SheeceGardazi: The whole point of this meta answer is that there are (at least) two sides to this one topic. Although I think they could best be addressed by separate answers to the same question, especially if one or both answers had a TL:DR summary of what they cover and what the other answer is about. (Christian, I think it might have been best if you'd edited Eli's answer to add something like that, so beginners could start reading with the answer that addressed their misunderstanding. Maybe we can get the questions merged, and update the question to include a MCVE.) Commented Mar 12, 2019 at 8:13

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