The company I work for is running a few job postings on Stack Overflow Jobs. On our company page there's a section "Who You'll Work With" which displays a few profiles of developers. In the case of our company, the profiles it shows are using the random username and profile picture, and shows, and only shows, a few of our developers who are active on Stack Overflow.

I'd like to get myself added to the "Who You'll Work With" section. How do I do this?

  • 3
    Ask your HR department, or whomever else is managing your company account with Stack Overflow Jobs. They need to invite you to be added. Commented Jun 22, 2017 at 14:44

1 Answer 1


Whoever administers the company page at your company has to invite users to be listed. This is not something anyone else can do.

You'll have to ask around; if you have an HR department or dedicated recruiters, they are most likely also in charge of the Stack Overflow Jobs account for your company.

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