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Scortchi - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
Scortchi - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
Scortchi - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
Scortchi - Reinstate Monica
  • Member for 11 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
  • England
45 votes

The new moderator agreement is now live for moderators to accept across the network

43 votes

Updating the Hot Network Questions List - now with a bit more network and a little less "hotness"!

29 votes

Checking in with "*Monica*" users

21 votes

How long can Moderator Resignation notices be featured?

19 votes

Does the community consider the "coerced speech" complaint largely resolved?

17 votes

Does the policy that suspension details aren't released publicly still apply even if the user says they are OK with them being released?

14 votes

AI to use grammar syntax for auto-flagging comments

13 votes

Is paraphrasing someone else's ideas and not crediting them considered plagiarism?

12 votes

Is it time for Stack Exchange, Inc and the community to legally separate amicably?

9 votes

How often does ChatGPT give an incorrect answer to an SE question?

8 votes

Revisiting the "Hot Network Questions" feature, what are our shared goals for having it?

7 votes

The new moderator agreement is now live for moderators to accept across the network

4 votes

Is username acceptability site-specific?

4 votes

Are non-diamond staff subject to the community-elected moderators?

4 votes

Warning when using or seeing φ and ϕ in the same thread

4 votes

Question asked by same person (and answered) on different site - how should it be answered

4 votes

Is it acceptable to copy your own answer verbatim from an off-site resource?

4 votes

Where should I ask a question about how to interpret a chart of greenhouse gases?

4 votes

In the AI policy on SE sites allowing GenAI, don't discourage sharing the entire prompt(s). Sharing the entire prompt(s) should be instead encouraged

3 votes

How should a new site with a good userbase *outside* the Stack Exchange mainstream get itself bootstrapped?

0 votes

Policy for SE employees influencing community decisions using mod powers

-1 votes

Can we add a reputation penalty to comments that are removed for being Rude or Abusive?

-5 votes

The new moderator agreement is now live for moderators to accept across the network