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Bergi's user avatar
Bergi's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
148 votes

New post summary designs on site home pages and greatest hits now; everywhere else eventually

123 votes

New post summary designs on site home pages and greatest hits now; everywhere else eventually

95 votes

New post summary designs on site home pages and greatest hits now; everywhere else eventually

85 votes

The Many Memes of Meta

35 votes

We need "assume good intent" back in the Code of Conduct

33 votes

The MIT License – Clarity on Using Code on Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange

31 votes

Bookmarks have evolved into Saves

28 votes

How to disable "time travel" entirely?

28 votes

Testing a new version of Stack Overflow Jobs

12 votes

Help us test the shiny new "User Activity" page! (Plus a bunch of new features.)

11 votes

New Post Notices rollout on Stack Overflow

11 votes

New Post Notices rollout on Stack Overflow

8 votes

Inbox improvements: marking notifications as read/unread, and a filtered inbox view

8 votes

New Post Notices rollout on Stack Overflow

7 votes

Since when are multiline code comments supported?

6 votes

Since when are multiline code comments supported?

5 votes

Do you see a way to cheat at Hat Dash?

5 votes

New Post Notices rollout on Stack Overflow

4 votes

Version labels for answers

2 votes

Editor breaks old links when adding new ones with Ctrl+L, if existing link text has square brackets ([])

1 vote

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