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Questions tagged [answer-quality]

Metric used to work out if an answer is sub-par and needs "attention". Not publicly detailed or gutted.

5 votes
0 answers

Unable to translate "Low answer quality score" sentence for processed flags with negative score

There is no translation possible for "Low answer quality score" on processed flag section. At the same time that phrase has translation for a new flag a processed flag with positive score ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
-12 votes
2 answers

Invisible placeholder-stub-answers-with-autodelete-timeout to avoid "Question closed!" frustration

Motivation: Once again I spent time creating an elaborate answer on Stack Overflow, only to find the page locked when I was done, because people were not satisfied with the details given. Sometimes ...
Dreamspace President's user avatar
16 votes
0 answers

Will the "Content Health" feature come to public Q&A on Stack Exchange?

It was announced in The Overflow today there's a new Content Health feature is being launched on Stack Overflow for Teams. Are there currently plans to introduce this to public Q&A sites on Stack ...
bad_coder's user avatar
  • 27.3k
186 votes
26 answers

Version labels for answers

We’d like to introduce version labels (official name and verbiage pending) for answers, a new product feature idea as part of the larger Outdated Answers project. We hope that this feature will help ...
Lisa Park's user avatar
  • 10k
-12 votes
1 answer

Would content curators support/value a feature that prevented new and problem answerers from answering the freshest questions?

As a passionate, daily curator of content in multiple Stack Exchange communities, I've noticed that Stack Overflow (SO) is in dire need of an enhancement to combat the flood of answers on pages that ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
  • 3,829
35 votes
6 answers

Outdated Answers project kicking off on Stack Overflow

As we announced on Meta Stack Overflow, we are kicking off a project to begin tackling the issue of outdated answers. That post goes into detail on the initiative and our approach. We are focusing our ...
Anita Taylor's user avatar
  • 7,898
-7 votes
1 answer

Complete versus complex answers [closed]

In this question, the OP asks "How could I create a randomly-variable-length list of instances (objects) of this class Teacher without using any list comprehension (maybe from vectorization or ...
caxcaxcoatl's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Most adequate writing point of view in self-answered questions [closed]

Which is the most adequate writing point of view to self-answer a question? 1. First person. Taking into account that the person who asks and answers are the same. Something like: I found a ...
Pestro's user avatar
  • 71
23 votes
8 answers

What should I do if I am afraid to post for fear of downvote hell?

--- The General Question --- Should I avoid posting (writing questions or answers) unless I am willing (and able) to put forth the exorbitant effort required to produce "exceptional content". **Will ...
abmays's user avatar
  • 521
15 votes
8 answers

Is it harder to write a good question or a good answer?

I was wondering whether there's any evidence to be had as to whether it's harder to write good questions or good answers. For example, from the data available in SEDE or previous surveys. I suppose "...
OrangeDog's user avatar
  • 4,418
5 votes
0 answers

Automatic quality control and their effects on participation and contribution

I am interested in studying how automatic quality control can affect participation and contribution in online discussion communities. Many content generation platforms are struggling with balancing ...
Hani Safadi's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

The /help/how-to-answer on all sites should include information about reading existing answers and suggesting that new answers add information

I'm not aware of any site that would permit many people to post the same or very similar answers to a question. I thought that this was rather obvious, but there's no place in the Help Center to point ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Improvements to handling questions with too many answers

I noticed something today on Software Engineering when dealing with an autogenerated moderator flag regarding "More than 10 answers posted to this question in the past 7 days". Mainly - this flag isn'...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Shotgun users that post multiple low quality answers

Let's suppose I'm a new user (below 1500 reputation points), and all I want to do is gain reputation points so I use the shotgun approach and answer as many questions as I can. While I'm doing that I'...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Does the call to action decrease answer quality?

On some, if not all sites, there's a call to action that encourages people to answer questions: Can you help? Stack Overflow depends on everyone sharing their knowledge. If you're able to answer ...
Andrew Grimm's user avatar
  • 21.1k

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