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D.W.'s user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
172 votes

Statement from SO: June 5, 2023 Moderator Action

85 votes

What deliverables would you like to see out of a working group?

76 votes

Community and Moderator guidelines for escalating issues via new response process (March-April 2020)

41 votes

What privilege should 30k users get?

37 votes

Login process incompatible with Adblock Plus

28 votes

"Spam Voting" - Should we stop it?

27 votes

Should I search for posts to make trivial edits to?

24 votes

If more users could vote, would they engage more? Testing 1 reputation voting on some sites

24 votes

Someone contacted me by email but my email is not public

19 votes

Is it expected for reviewers to verify all information in a suggested edit?

18 votes

Reset votes on migrated questions

18 votes

What's up with Stack Exchange's stringent password requirements?

16 votes

Someone contacted me by email but my email is not public

16 votes

Health Stack Exchange has rules that violate the general rules

15 votes

Do we really need all these computer science / programming places?

13 votes

What recourse do I have if I believe an SO employee has unfairly declined a feature request?

12 votes

Is it good practice to delete my own comment after assimilated into the question / answer?

11 votes

Can new users not be bait-and-switched?

11 votes

Should small sites be restrictive in what questions they accept or be as open as possible?

11 votes

What to do what the best and only possible answer is a plain offsite link?

9 votes

Discourage pasted problem statements from coding sites?

9 votes

No April Fools 2024 prank: rationale and next steps

9 votes

Upcoming initiatives on Stack Overflow and across the Stack Exchange network (March 2024)

8 votes

Protected questions should have a higher reputation requirement for editing and approving edits

8 votes

Making On-Hold/Closed and How to ask information more clear?

8 votes

New Post Notices rollout on Stack Overflow

7 votes

Should rants be edited out of answers

7 votes

How do I respond to people who downvote my question if their answer was not correct?

7 votes

Why is the close review queue lagging behind the other queues on certain sites?

7 votes

What do I do if I know only half the answer to a question?