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For questions about the suggested edit process, which allows users without editing privileges to "suggest" edits, to be reviewed by users with editing privileges.

Users with more than 2,000 reputation have the privilege of editing any question or answer and their edits are applied without going through a review process.

Users with accounts (both registered and cookie-based) who have not reached 2,000 reputation (or 100 reputation for community-wiki posts), as well as users without an account, are allowed to suggest edits. These edits are not applied immediately but go into the suggested edits queue where users who have the edit privilege can vote to approve or reject them, or alternatively perform an improved or completely different edit.

The suggested edits feature also applies to users who don't have a 20,000 reputation when suggesting edits to tag wikis. 5,000 reputation is needed to review suggested edits to tag wikis, but 20,000 reputation is required to make binding edits without approval or to improve those edits.

These three reputation thresholds vary between sites in private beta, public beta, and graduation.

If the suggested edit is approved then the user gets 2 reputation points (however, a user can be awarded at most 1,000 reputation through suggested edits).

If the suggested edit is rejected then a reason is displayed on the "Suggested Edits" page for that edit (by clicking on the word "reject" next to a rejected suggestion). A user's suggested edits can be tracked from the Suggestions section of the Activity tab on their account profile.


Related tags:

  • For questions about specific suggested edits that have already been rejected by the community
  • For questions about the rejection reasons for a suggested edit
  • For questions asking short reason, count of characters changed or motive behind why a post was edited