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15 votes

Change "Hot Network Questions" to "Trending Network Questions"?

Why do you think that “hot” is sexual? Can you explain a little bit more? “hot” definitely has a sexual meaning, according to Oxford Dictionary (see here). I definitely won’t first think that “hot” ...
user1176409's user avatar
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12 votes

Don't bump "dead" questions

Answers don't only exist to help the OP, but also others who find the question when they are looking for a solution to their problem that looks similar. Therefore, posting an answer to an old question ...
Bart van Ingen Schenau's user avatar
12 votes

Change "Hot Network Questions" to "Trending Network Questions"?

Words acquire sexual connotations through people using them to talk implicitly about sex, due to social norms against explicit talk about sex. If people avoid using a word with sexual connotations in ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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2 votes

Remove `[Text]` from the no-alt-text warning message

The no-alt-text warning message has been changed to: Images should have specific alt text briefly explaining what is shown. Use the square brackets immediately following the '!' for this (which may ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote

Dismiss suggested edits which conflict with full edit instead of auto rejecting them

I think this question should be marked as status-completed. I’ve flagged this question for moderators' attention. This feature is lived since July 1 2024. You can see this post on Meta Stack ...
user1176409's user avatar
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