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Questions tagged [trusted-user]

For questions about the privileges trusted users gain, users with at least 20k reputation (4k on public betas).

-13 votes
1 answer

Could altering the level of reputation required to view and comment on deleted answers improve people's trust in the impartiality of the site?

I believe that trust in this platform and the quality and impartiality of the information it provides is very important. For this question, my assumption is that one of the things we want to do is to ...
phil1008's user avatar
  • 258
-15 votes
2 answers

Association bonus conflicts with 'Trusted User' privilege

When you hit 200 reputation on any Stack Exchange site, you are met with the prompt: You've earned a bonus 100 reputation because we trust you on other sites in the network. The key part is: ...
Lordology's user avatar
  • 837
0 votes
1 answer

What happens when "recommend deletion" and "delete" are mixed in LQP review? [duplicate]

In Low Quality Posts review, what happens when <20k users chose "recommend deletion", and 20k users chose "delete" for the same review? For example, if a post had 3 "recommend deletion" reviews and ...
Picachieu's user avatar
  • 8,731
9 votes
1 answer

When should I vote to delete answers that I wouldn't flag?

When should I delete an answer? has an early exploration of a rationale for when answers should be deleted by 20k voting. Unfortunately, time marches on and the reasons explored in the sole answer ...
Nathan Tuggy's user avatar
  • 13.4k
7 votes
2 answers

Public beta "trusted user" cannot edit tag wikis

I recently surpassed 1500 rep in Aviation.SE, earning me the privilege to edit tag wikis. So I tried it out, and discovered that I actually don't have this privilege: Instead after editing, I get ...
Erich's user avatar
  • 509
3 votes
3 answers

Should trusted users be able to make edits on other sites without review

I've just joined a Stack Exchange site that's in beta and received the usual Association Bonus of +100, for having an account with reputation above the required level on the network. I answered a ...
Tanner's user avatar
  • 383
11 votes
1 answer

What happens to Trusted Users when a Beta site gets launched?

I just joined a beta community that's been around for a long time, lots of the users are at 6,000 reputation, but because it's a Beta site, a Trusted User only needs 4,000 rep. What happens when this ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
  • 395
-12 votes
1 answer

If trust cannot be had, then perhaps it should not be offered [closed]

I've read many of the recent posts and the rejection of one of my suggestions which used a common word (namely "nominal"). To me, this comes down to everything which requires human review and does ...
user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Make it easier for 20k users to downvote-and-delete [duplicate]

Users with the trusted user privilege (20k rep on most sites, 4k on beta sites) get some handy extra powers. Among them are: Voting to delete answers with score of -1 or lower Voting to ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Why do I have to make work for mods by flagging 'not an answer' in the late answer queue?

Sometimes late answers are crap. That's why we have a late answer queue. For 'plain vanilla crap', I downvote. That's nice. However, extra-special (not really an answer) crap should be deleted. OK, ...
Rosinante's user avatar
  • 43.6k
36 votes
4 answers

Allow 20k users to see deleted posts from other users profiles (particularly for post banned users)

Background Anyone who has spent any time on meta will have experienced a user who has been question or answer banned and is looking for help. Often letting them know how to improve is what they need ...
Richard Tingle's user avatar
53 votes
1 answer

Can trusted users be trusted to suggest tag synonyms without a score of 5 in a tag? (on smaller sites, not Stack Overflow)

This has been asked before but I feel the original question was more focussed on Stack Overflow than the Stack Exchange network at large. Related: Can we allow 7.5K users to suggest tag synonyms ...
Flyk's user avatar
  • 7,994
5 votes
1 answer

20k+ flagging rules?

How does attaining the trusted user privilege affect flagging? Note: spam and moderation attention flags are rather outside of the scope of this question, I'm aware that these should be used whenever ...
Fabrício Matté's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Vote to delete automatically flags

I just hit 20k reputation, thus I'm now able to vote to delete answers. Now I know there isn't a delete vote queue, so just voting to delete isn't all that reliable, or is it? So (unless such a ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
35 votes
3 answers

Tweaking close requirements to manage the close queue

There have been no shortage of ideas to get the close queue manageable. Here's one more: let's fundamentally re-think how many votes it takes to close a question. Currently, diamond mods can close ...
Adam Rackis's user avatar
  • 22.3k

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