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Questions tagged [regex]

For questions about the use of regular expressions within the Stack Exchange network, e.g. where they are supported. For questions about regular expressions in your own project, you'll need one of the main sites which accept those (depending on the context).

21 votes
1 answer

Automatically recognize and remove "thanks"

There is a regex that should automatically remove all greetings from the top of posts. It does its job very well: ^ # begins at start of body \s* # possible spaces ( hii?...
Doorknob's user avatar
  • 45.5k
2 votes
2 answers

Padding a comment with spaces

Currently, the 15 char minimum on comments can be defeated by padding out the middle with spaces. Fix: s/\s+/ / HTML ignores extra spaces anyway.
anonymous coward's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

How to handle regex syntax highlighting [duplicate]

Many questions about regex include code blocks with language agnostic, POSIX compatible patterns, using default prettifying. (Example) This looks kind of ugly and is confusing, since some parts are ...
kapex's user avatar
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