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Questions tagged [moderator-primaries]

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9 votes
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Reapplying to nominate self on the primary phase of moderator election

It's unclear from the FAQ if the nominee can reapply if they withdraw self in the primary phase of the moderator election. The message from the system doesn't say anything about it: Are you sure you ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
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After expanding the primary vote count of an election nomination, the displayed score is no longer shown as 1 or -1 on casting a vote as before

According to this answer, the minimum displayed score for a nominee in the primary phase can be "-1": Note that if a candidate has a negative score, the score will be shown as 0, or as 1 or ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
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Resulting score for nominees on primary phase of moderator election [duplicate]

Notice on primary phase of moderator elections states: The candidate vote scores are public when positive but the minimum score shown will be -1. Could someone clarify, in which cases resulting ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Completed elections don't show all candidates in the primary phase

On the primary tab of completed elections, only the top 10-finishing candidates are shown. This should be changed to show the primary as it was run, with all candidates (up to 30). Only the election ...
Undo's user avatar
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What are the current goals of each of the election phases?

I have been watching the current election on SO extremely closely, and am participating in it as well. I have a number of thoughts and I am not sure if they are valid. I know others have had thoughts ...
Jason C's user avatar
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25 votes
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Blind moderator election [duplicate]

After participating in my first moderator election, I was wondering what the reason was for displaying the number of other users' votes cast. In my opinion, that can skew personal opinions of voters ...
Blue Ice's user avatar
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Why can we see the votes in an ongoing election? [duplicate]

I find that my expectations of a nominated person and where my votes should go are affected by what number I see next to them, even if I don't want it to. I feel I gravitate towards nominees who ...
AlbeyAmakiir's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What math decides who is eliminated during election primaries?

During the primary phase of SE elections the candidate pool is narrowed to 10 nominations based on a free-form up/down voting system much like answers. However the vote math system has some funky ...
Caleb's user avatar
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Candidates not surviving primaries not displayed in "primary" tab anymore for past elections [duplicate] There are 18 candidates but only the 10 candidates who survived the primaries are listed there. I think the other candidates should also be shown in ...
ThiefMaster's user avatar
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4 votes
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How do voting rules work in elections?

How do voting rules work in elections; are they like the voting rules for questions and answers? Do downvotes in elections cost 2 rep for the candidate and 1 for the voter? Does the vote get locked in ...
Synetech's user avatar
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Can we be accurate about how many moderator candidates there are?

Browsing over to the 2012 SO moderator election (currently in the election phase), the sidebar at the top says: moderator candidates18 but then there are only 10 candidates listed. I realize that ...
blahdiblah's user avatar
  • 16.3k
4 votes
1 answer

Make primary voting process more explicit

Should the number of votes that a user is eligible to cast be listed somewhere on the primary voting page? I found that I could cast one up or down per candidate.. but I had to look around for the ...
Jake1164's user avatar
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Remove withdrawn candidates from the primary

The Stack Overflow moderator election primary has begun, and there were several candidates who were immediately withdrawn (didn't meet badge requirements perhaps?). Whatever the reason, they all ...
user avatar
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Add moderator nomination/primary/election history to user profile

I think it would be helpful to have links on a user's profile to their moderator nomination/primary/election history. Currently, you can see it in the activity tab of the user's profile (even though ...
casperOne's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Moderator primary scores should either be shown or not shown

On moderator primary election pages (SO #1, SU #1, Programmers #1), scores are reported in a weird way: score = max(upvotes - downvotes, my_vote) (or something approaching), i.e. if the candidate ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar

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