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Questions tagged [feature-request]

Proposals for new features on the Stack Exchange network, or requests for a change to an existing feature. On posts tagged feature-request, voting may indicate agreement or disagreement with the proposed change, in addition to the quality or usefulness of the post itself. Feature requests are not brought to the company's attention until and unless a [status-review] tag is added by a moderator or employee.

4 votes
0 answers

Cookie settings dialog spells the same word in both American and British English in different places

In the Cookie Settings, specifically under the "Privacy Preference Center" section, I've noticed a discrepancy in language usage related to personalization. The term "personalized" ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 38.9k
4 votes
0 answers

Add an option to sort answers by the viewer's previously cast votes

Motivation: When I sort by highest score, what I really want is that by default, what other people found the most useful is at the top, because I'm in a mode where I want to find things that will be ...
starball's user avatar
  • 26.8k
8 votes
0 answers

Edit review page: looks like all tags gone

No big deal, but here with the side by side display, a quick look gives the false impression that all the tags were removed in the new version. So perhaps it would be best to repeat them anyway, in ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
  • 1,000
28 votes
0 answers

Let's remove spam/offensive edit suggestions from the original poster's inbox as quickly as we can

Some of us have taken it upon ourselves to seek out the worst of what finds its way to Stack Exchange so that the majority of users don't have to see any of that. That's how the spam and rude flags ...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 53.7k
6 votes
0 answers

Why is there no "duplicate answer" comment on late answer reviews? [duplicate]

When reviewing Late Answers, the Delete option description reads Answer does not address the question, is a duplicate, or cannot be improved.emphasis added as shown here: However, when I select ...
FreeMan's user avatar
  • 169
11 votes
0 answers

Improve accessible in-page navigation (e.g., for screen readers) by having header elements for answers

When using a screen reader, it's difficult to navigate between answers on question pages I'm wondering if there is any way that each answer could be marked as a heading to make it easier to skip ...
John's user avatar
  • 111
6 votes
0 answers

Ryan's bio description has a first/third person mixup

The bio of Ryan Polk contains mixed references to him, it's partly in first person and partly in third person: Ryan is Chief Product Officer at Stack Overflow. My role is to grow the product pieces ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

Votes on rejected migration on destination site should not contribute positively or negatively to post ban calculation on the destination site

A moderator on one site requests migration and the post comes to the destination site. The destination site rejects the migration, but in the process, the migrated question received plenty of votes in ...
TheMaster's user avatar
  • 622
-11 votes
1 answer

feature request: make numbered list formatting less math unfriendly

As explained in this other post, numbered list formatting can be quite math unfriendly. Would it be possible to use a new numbered list, used on circles, squared or "bracketed" numbers, as ...
Dominique's user avatar
  • 249
2 votes
0 answers

How can I hide optionally right side panel at

Is there a built-in way to hide right-side panel (with links and blog entities) when reading answers to questions at It takes significant place on screen and makes text and code too ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

On the filters page, use a background color instead of having to load an external image

On the filters page on, a static external image is loaded to force a background colour instead of applying a CSS background-color for the HTML element .filters-sidebar .filters ul li....
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
31 votes
1 answer

Can staff please post an answer upon tagging a question as [status-completed]?

Related: Remove questions with moderator tags from the Unanswered list (2011) We currently have 425 wholly-unanswered questions marked status-completed. This is a problem for three reasons: Answers ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
  • 21.8k
6 votes
1 answer

Periodically publish a data dump of all IDs in the image ID space (and make it available in SEDE)

I see that Imgur has an API to query for image IDs in its ID space, but is not an API endpoint (and SE is moving off Imgur anyway). Say I want to get all the IDs of images in Stack ...
starball's user avatar
  • 26.8k
18 votes
1 answer

Allow users to remove notifications in their inbox

Deleted comments on followed posts persist in the global inbox is marked as status-bydesign - if you have already seen a notification, then it is never removed from the inbox. That includes if the ...
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 13k
43 votes
3 answers

Enable the announced 'Answers generated by Artificial Intelligence tools are not allowed' banner on Meta.SE

This is a follow-up on Sites can now request to enable a banner to warn about their policy on AI-generated content where I posted a now-deleted answer to comply with the guidelines. We frequently see ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 253k
23 votes
0 answers

Can we make the spam flag description more clear?

Currently, the description of the spam flag reads as follows: Exists only to promote a product or service, does not disclose the author's affiliation. This wording is very confusing because it's ...
Jesse's user avatar
  • 405
-23 votes
1 answer

I suggest to do a flag button inside an edit block [duplicate]

There isn't an individual flag for edits: we can't use a special flag relating to someone who edits a post of another user. Now the only way to draw a moderator's attention about someone's edit is to ...
Loviii's user avatar
  • 68
1 vote
0 answers

Mention the maximum image size for images uploaded in chat

The maximum image size one can upload in the chat is 4 MiB (at least for JPG and PNG files, one day someone should look at GIF files). The limit is not mentioned in the chat. Feature request: Mention ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Allow high-reputation users or topic experts to "endorse" answers posted by other users

The problem I am a Physics Stack user and I made a feature request that I was told would be a better fit for the mother meta site. I am a user who primarily answers way more than I ask. In short, the ...
JohnA.'s user avatar
  • 183
-13 votes
1 answer

Could altering the level of reputation required to view and comment on deleted answers improve people's trust in the impartiality of the site?

I believe that trust in this platform and the quality and impartiality of the information it provides is very important. For this question, my assumption is that one of the things we want to do is to ...
phil1008's user avatar
  • 258
2 votes
0 answers

Why is the color contrast in the comment instructions barely readable? [duplicate]

This is an example from the Politics site. I have noticed it on other beta sites. Black font letters on a medium-dark blue background is difficult to read. I am sorry about the large section that is ...
Ellie Kesselman's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

"Clear" button for tags field

I think the tags field would benefit by a "Clear" button. I inadvertently pasted three sentences into the select tags field, thereby creating dozens of tags.  Had to click the delete 'x' one ...
WGroleau's user avatar
  • 1,267
-7 votes
1 answer

See previous revisions of posts

I would like to see each historical status of a post. Without the difference. Just look at what a post looked like before, and that the user can choose the version in time and display it.
ArtEze's user avatar
  • 219
-5 votes
2 answers

Box drawing characters etc. display fail in code block and in mobile browsers

I have used the code block to display grids like this: ┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐ │6th│ 5▲│4th│ 3▲│2nd│1st│0th│ ╞═══╪═══╪═══╪═══╪═══╪═══╪═══╡ │ │ 1 │ │ 4 │ │ │ │ └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴─...
a life's user avatar
  • 53
-4 votes
2 answers

Make the background of code blocks darker (or a different color)

When we use code blocks, created for example by the "Code Sample" button ({}), the background is so light: Example: hsl(0,0%,96.5%) But when we use backticks (`) to create inline code the ...
Snack Exchange's user avatar
-14 votes
3 answers

What's the benefit of keeping questions around that have negative votes? Isn't it just an embarrassment to the OP?

What's the benefit of keeping questions around that have negative votes? Isn't it just an embarrassment to the OP? And the OP is discouraged to delete the question if the question has been answered by ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 15
4 votes
2 answers

Offer a bounty for a new canonical Q/A pair

For personal reasons I am no longer interested in contributing new questions and answers to Stack Overflow; but I think this idea would have much broader applicability than my specific use case. ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
39 votes
2 answers

Please bring back the Community Roadmap posts

When I began work on the now defunct Community Leadership Team in early 2020, one of our early initiatives was to share details on the work being done for the community from both Community and ...
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
  • 63.4k
30 votes
0 answers

Add a link to the site cookie settings from the User Settings page

Apparently cookie settings are configurable via a link on the site footer. I found this out thanks to a brief mention on the Advertising Guidelines update: Opt in or out of cookie tracking To opt in ...
Robotnik's user avatar
  • 4,378
4 votes
0 answers

Move tag info from source tag to the destination in case when destination tag exists, but doesn't have info yet

In tag merging process (available for moderators) when the resulting tag name doesn't exist yet the process will behave like a tag renaming. I.e. all tag info (short and detailed) will be "moved&...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar

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