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Questions tagged [design]

For questions regarding the design of the Stack Exchange websites; e.g., for issues with the layout.

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The search popover tooltip lost the keyword text in Meta

The search popover tooltip is missing the keyword in the Meta section. In the Stack Overflow Search screenshot, the keyword texts are displayed correctly. Screenshot from Meta Stack Exchange: ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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69 votes
10 answers

New Focus Styles & Updated Styling for Button Groups

New Focus Styles We’ve released a design update to focus styles across the many components within our design system and as well as a new design for our button group component. See more details on how ...
Carrott's user avatar
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63 votes
2 answers

Too small search bar and the search icon/magnifying glass is shown twice while viewing sites in portrait mode on mobile

The search bar (with drop-down) in the top bar isn't responsive. It also is duplicated, which means it takes up an unnecessarily large amount of space on Stack Overflow with the AI text:
Laurel's user avatar
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1 vote
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Bold text conversion doesn't work across paragraph break

When there is a paragraph break between two bold codes (double asterisk), the asterisks are displayed and nothing is bolded.  Is it a bug, or intentional? Possibly related; not duplicate: Markdown ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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The vote button disappeared if I voted a question/answers without signing up [duplicate]

Today, I see this question on the TeX - LaTeX site. Command for Multiplying Integers I want to upvote the answers. I click the upvote. Oops, I forgot I didn’t even sign up an account for that site. ...
user1176409's user avatar
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16 votes
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Vote Button :active state not reset after mouseDrag

The Vote button got some styling changes [1], which introduced a state where the ::active color does not reset, whereas the arrow stays white, becoming invisible on the white background. Press (and ...
0stone0's user avatar
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12 votes
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The behavior of popup vote totals losing their +/- sign if the absolute value requires 3 or more digits triggers awkward, sudden paragraph reflows

On the vote-total popup, the leading + or - is suppressed once the total hits three digits: Demo: Demo: Demo: Demo: This happens in both the 🟢 upvotes on the top and on the 🔴 downvotes on ...
tchrist's user avatar
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7 votes
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Hamburger Menu Link from Meta to Main sites has excess padding

When accessing a community Meta site, the parent site link under the Current Community heading has excess padding, breaking alignment with the help/chat/log out links, and with the pipe that leads to ...
Nick is tired's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Remove border from non-textbox elements when focused

The recent design change of adding a visible border around textboxes when they're focused is a good thing IMO. However, when applied to elements such as radio buttons, it can just look weird, e.g. in ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why is there a blue border around focused textboxes now? [duplicate]

I noticed that in all Stack Exchange sites, when I focus any textbox, there is now a very visible blue border/outline around it. Was this outline intentionally added, and if so, what is its purpose? ...
Aswin A's user avatar
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Add an owner indicator to the suggested edit review after it has been reviewed [duplicate]

When a review has been evaluated by the question asker (OP) in the suggested edit review, it fails to indicate that it was reviewed by the question asker. Typically, the question asker's identity is ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Too small margins between user names on the timeline

In the post timeline, the margins between usernames are too small, especially when a moderator (with the additional displayed icon) has participated:
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Overlapped items on cookie customization popup

There are overlapping items on cookie customization popup on mobile devices like Android phone:
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
1 vote
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User names wrapped too early in chat transcript (mobile chat version)

On the chat transcript page, usernames are split to several lines for unknown reasons, despite there being enough space on the single line: After joining the chat, all names fit in line: Interesting ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
8 votes
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Edit review page: looks like all tags gone

No big deal, but here with the side by side display, a quick look gives the false impression that all the tags were removed in the new version. So perhaps it would be best to repeat them anyway, in ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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