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Questions tagged [design]

For questions regarding the design of the Stack Exchange websites; e.g., for issues with the layout.

13 votes
3 answers

When viewing questions in tag marked as "interesting", they shouldn't be all marked interesting

When viewing questions in one of tags I consider interesting, using URL like<tag>, and I have <tag> among "Interesting tags", all questions are ...
Jakub Narębski's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Allow HTML tags in comments

If "<i>" is innocuous enough to be allowed in questions and answers, why can't we use it in comments too? Please don't make me memorize a bunch of dippy Markdown syntax just to add a little ...
phenry's user avatar
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-2 votes
8 answers

The best-looking site in the trilogy? [closed]

So I've just visited the beta site and I must say I really like the color schemes and the way everything is so light and bright and just get out of the way for most things. I feel like, ...
1 vote
2 answers

There is no styling of nested lists

The style for nested lists is the same as the styling of a simple list. The biggest problem with this is the bottom margin: A A → 1 A → 2 A → 3 B B → ...
Blixt's user avatar
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77 votes
8 answers

Can SO have a fluid vs. fixed-width layout? [duplicate]

When will SO stop wasting real estate of my screen by having static width layout? EDIT It would be very interesting to hear how does Joel, being UI specialist, feel about this. JoelOnSoftware site ...
Piotr Dobrogost's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Redesign the default view - the sidebar takes way too much space!

On SO, in the default view (Recent Questions), I've got more than 2 screen heights of Interesting Tags and Ignored Tags. Followed by 2 screen heights of Recent Tags and Recent Badges. The actual ...
mafu's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

In question lists, some of the question body previews wrap strangely

I just noticed a question which appears slightly odd in Firefox 3.5 - "them." is the only text on the second line, so it appears in a rather odd location. (I expect it would wrap to be under the word "...
lc.'s user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Should reputation requirements change as a Stackoverflow Knowledge Exchange site grows in users and content?

Should the reputation requirements to participate in a stackoverflow knowledge exchange site change as the site evolves? In normal use you gain reputation by being up voted, either your question or ...
Will's user avatar
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26 votes
8 answers

When and why did SO start using tables for layout?

I remember looking at some SO source markup months ago, and it was basically <div> heaven. The pure CSS zealots would've loved it. But today I look and see... <DIV id="question" class=""> ...
cletus's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

What are the architecture details of Stack Overflow?

Software Stack: Database Details: What are ...
Steve T's user avatar
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244 votes
20 answers

<kbd> elements are way too intrusive [closed]

<kbd> is a great way to mark up text to be entered. But when you use it on Stack Exchange sites, it's really difficult to read. For instance, say I typed this sentence by starting with a Shift+F,...
18 votes
7 answers

Will the badges ever have a design to them instead of just having colors?

Right now there are simply the colors of Silver, Gold and Bronze to indicate the badges. I think there should be some sort of design like the Xbox 360 has for its achievements. You could still keep ...
FortunateDuke's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Footer does not stick to bottom of page

OK, sorry, I know this is really superficial, but look at this page: See the giant, ugly, horrible white space below the footer that ...
user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

User-Specific CSS

It would be nice if users could add their own styles to the CSS-Rules on SO. This is nothing more than a textarea in the user preferences that takes precedence over the default styles. Users could ...
Sampson's user avatar
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