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Questions tagged [comments]

Comments are small addenda to each question or answer, intentionally limited in size and formatting and intended to prompt clarifying edits. Can also be used for comments on the blog posts.

2 votes
1 answer

Allow users to setup canned replies in their profile, then use these to reply as comments

The idea is pretty straightforward. I didn't see a related topic. The idea would be to add a section to the user's profile where they can enter a list of canned replies. Canned replies would consist ...
0 votes
4 answers

What about having a comment section on the user profile page?

Considering, employers may be interested in seeing your questions, answers, as well as your comments. Some comments contain valuable information that can show your knowledge ...
59 votes
3 answers

Inform new users about the option to edit their own post when adding a comment

When reviewing close votes, I regularly encounter questions with the following history: New users ask a question which is unclear because it is lacking relevant information. People add comments, ...
18 votes
0 answers

Styling of comment timestamps becomes similar to usernames when comments are expanded

When clicking the "Show N more comments" on a post the styling of the comment timestamps of other posts on the same page becomes similar to the styling of the comment author's display name. ...
373 votes
1 answer

Why do I need 50 reputation to comment? What can I do instead?

Users with less than 50 reputation points cannot write comments on questions and answers that they don't own. Why does this limit exist? But I want to contribute now. What should I do instead? But I ...
-10 votes
1 answer

How to format my comments that pasted a few lines of code? [duplicate]

How can I format my comments? For example, I've pasted a few lines of code (with new lines, spaces etc.) but it looks very ugly.
22 votes
1 answer

Moderators trying to delete or undelete comments are now prompted to confirm (and canceling does not work)

As a moderator on a site that I moderate, upon clicking the "delete" link on a comment, I am shown a "Really delete this comment?" browser confirmation prompt; regardless of how I ...
19 votes
1 answer

When a moderator upvotes a comment on a site they moderate, the error message "You cannot mark a comment more than once" shows up

I recently upvoted a comment (first time upvoting that specific comment) on my meta site and received an error message stating "You cannot mark a comment more than once." Another mod ...
9 votes
1 answer

Display comment flag next to vote instead of below to reduce whitespace

On the desktop site, most of the vertical whitespace in one-line comments is to make space for the flag button, which is below the vote button. I find this whitespace to be excessive, especially given ...
9 votes
3 answers

When to answer a question and when to comment on a question?

Often, I will go to answer a question, and I will notice that someone commented on the question, which basically the answer. Why not just answer instead of commenting? If the answer to the question is ...
6 votes
1 answer

Xcode-snippets make code look like its inside a comment [closed]

When asking questions on SO that involve Xcode code-snippets, the syntax is to use a #, which makes the code look like it's inside a comment. For example this Xcode standard snippet for looping ...
9 votes
3 answers

The "talkative" user problem

After asking questions and providing answers here for about 10 years, few days ago I have faced with a very irritating problem. Currently, the subject of my interest is ImageMagick, a command-line ...
50 votes
9 answers

Change "comment" to "critique or request clarification"

Got around to talking about comment flags with Robert Cartaino this morning... We're working on rejiggering the flagging options to make it a bit more obvious when stuff should be flagged, with the ...
141 votes
5 answers

Could mods have "add comments to chat" to supplement "move comments to chat"?

Moderators can move comments to a chat room associated with the post, and now we don't even have to wait for 20 comments to be posted in a short period of time -- we can do this at any time via the ...
10 votes
2 answers

How do some people add stuff to their right of the user name in comments?

I was reading through the Formatting Sandobox here. In the comments section of this answer, there are some comments that contain some text to the right of the username. Such as: Hello, I am Jon ...

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