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Questions tagged [blocked-tags]

Per-site lists of tags that cannot be created or used. To suggest a tag be blocked, use [tag-block-request] instead.

-3 votes
0 answers

Why is blocked tags list only allowed to edit by the staff, but not on site moderators level? [duplicate]

Modify the list of blocked tags is only possible by the staff as mentioned here. What the problem we can face if we allow to make it on site's moderators level? Is there something other than technical ...
αλεχολυ��'s user avatar
15 votes
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Confusing error message when trying to add a blocked(?) tag

A while ago, I was trying to edit a question on Web Applications, but got a rather confusing error message: The tag [charts] is too similar to [charts]. If you think this new tag should be allowed, ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Can the [untagged] tag be blocked on the newer sites too?

As per the details in What is a blocked tag?, the tag untagged is supposed to be blocked throughout the network. However, apparently the tag needs to be manually blocked for each new site separately, ...
user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Do not allow the author or a moderator to override an edit if it results in blocked tags being applied

Due to a feature, a user was allowed to override an approved edit, which resulted in their question getting tagged with the untagged tag. That should not be allowed, given that no question should be ...
pacoverflow's user avatar
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Forbidden tags popup isn’t consistent

My previous related bug report has been drastically downvoted. But now I see that at least on Stack Overflow some forbidden tags are shown in a single line (old BR), others one per separate line. ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
-4 votes
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Using multiple forbidden tags says about one single tag

When I try to use multiple forbidden tags, the message box text is the concatenated text of all the tags, as if it is one tag. In this case the correct form could be the next: The 'a', 'the', '...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

What is a blocked tag?

Following Implement a Tag Black List, I would like to know what exactly it means for a tag to be marked as blocked (formerly blacklisted) on a Stack Exchange site. Does it mean I can't use that tag ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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Do not show blacklisted tags under "Explore Our Questions" for non-logged-in users

From the inception of Anime.SE until about May of this year, the tag "identification-request" was permitted on our site. This led to us accruing around 3500 of these questions total (including deleted ...
senshin's user avatar
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Inappropriate match on tag prevents use

A user on meta Raspberry Pi Exchange, where I'm a moderator, recently asked this question which seems to indicate a bug. In brief, the user went to edit a question tagged qtonpi. When the edit was ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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Don't ask whether to create a new tag if the new tag name is invalid

Stack Exchange ate my edit! The steps to reproduce are pretty specific. Go to a site where there is a warning pop-up when you attempt to create a new tag. This is enabled on some graduated sites, ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
11 votes
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Let moderators use blocked tags on historical questions

The Stack Exchange team has the ability to block a tag even when the tag still exists. With the combination of Shog's new tag-specific popup messages, some tags which are blocked now have messages ...
animuson's user avatar
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37 votes
3 answers

Why don't we block all tags that we remove?

Currently, on Stack Exchange, it is customary to burninate a tag first, and block it from creation only if it becomes a recurring issue. I'm sure there's a good reason for this, but it eludes me. Why ...
user avatar
36 votes
1 answer

How do we request to have a tag blocked?

A Stack Exchange site I use has identified a tag that should be blocked, discussed it on Meta and come to an agreement that it should go (our request is here). We and the site moderators understand ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
14 votes
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Would it be possible to alter the tag blacklist to work alongside the tag synonym system?

One of the most common reasons we hear for not adding things to the site's blacklist is the cost of checking each item on every single post. While I'm not at all familiar with the mechanisms in place ...
animuson's user avatar
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Make it clearer when a tag is disallowed

Looking at the following screenshot, there is no indication that google is blacklisted:
tshepang's user avatar
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Undeleting a question can also undelete blacklisted tags [duplicate]

The question and revision history. When the question was deleted, we hadn't yet blacklisted homework. Once the question was undeleted, the system recreated it. It probably shouldn't do that. ...
Charles's user avatar
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Diamond moderator rollbacks can resurrect blacklisted tags

Example revisions. A diamond moderator rolled back a question to a state where it had homework. This effectively recreated the tag, despite it being blacklisted. This should not happen, and is not ...
Charles's user avatar
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Semi-blacklist tags (put tags on hold)

Currently burninated (non-blacklisted) tags can just come back (do they?). I personally don't think most 1500 reputation users have enough experience on the site to know when to recreate tags we've ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
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Blacklisting a tag with synonyms breaks a few things

According to Jeff's answer to The [error] tag has come back to life! the error tag is blacklisted. I've been removing errors, which is a really pointless tag, but have noticed a few strange things. ...
ben is uǝq backwards's user avatar
2 votes
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When it is appropriate to ask for blocking a tag?

On Drupal Answers, I sometimes ask for blocking tags that are very bad, or too broad to be useful. Considering there is also the possibility of burninating a tag (removing it from the history of the ...
avpaderno's user avatar
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2 answers

Warning when using a blacklisted tag - is it customizable?

I suppose that when a user tries to submit question with a blacklisted tag, he gets warning of this type: sorry, the 'example-tag' tag is not allowed. (I don't know this for sure, but I guess this ...
Martin's user avatar
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Is it necessary to removed an unwanted tag from the questions before to ask for its burnination?

I notice that here on Meta Stack Overflow, when somebody asks for black-listing a tag, sometimes a developer will reply saying the tag has been black-listed. That answer seems given indifferently from ...
avpaderno's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How do I use the 'Blocklisted User Input' information page?

The Blocklisted User Input page found under Moderator Tools is as barren and non-descript as the /reputation page. There are a few read-only entries, so presumably the entries can only be edited by an ...
Ambo100's user avatar
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41 votes
3 answers

Give moderators the ability to manage blacklisted tags

The request to Implement a Tag Black List was first raised back in Aug '09, but as one of the mods on English Language & Usage pointed out only a few days ago, even moderators don't have access to ...
FumbleFingers's user avatar
4 votes
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Can tags or synonyms be blocked from being used or blacklisted?

Are there any blacklisted tags on Stack Overflow? In addition, is there a way with moderator access that you can blacklist a tag?
jacktheripper's user avatar
50 votes
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All I want for Christmas is a list of burninated tags

Would it be possible to make the list of blacklisted tags public? The list would help establish precedence when determining if a tag should be put forward for burnination. This will simplify the task ...
Shawn Chin's user avatar
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8 votes
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How do tag blocklists work? [duplicate]

I've just discovered the tag-block-request questions on this meta, and wondered how and when this feature is used. For example, I just discovered that we had a code tag (link) on Electrical ...
Kevin Vermeer's user avatar
6 votes
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Blacklisted tags on migrated questions prevent users from suggesting edits

When I tried to suggest an edit to this question, I got an error message telling me that I can't create new tags when I was not. When I removed the [game-development], which is blacklisted on ...
Borror0's user avatar
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[bestpractices] pops up to replace the banned [best-practices] on Stack Overflow [closed]

I've just edited out fivesix instances. While I'd be happy to see such questions go, if we've going to allow the questions the tag seems less meta than some. Otherwise we need to blacklist this ...
dmckee --- ex-moderator kitten's user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

Allow 10K users to vote on suggested blacklist tags

There are lots of requests popping up to blacklist meta tags. Could we get a feature for 10K users to propose and vote on tags for the blacklist? (And, maybe, to un-blackist tags, too).
user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Why is the 'newbie' tag not allowed?

Why is any tag with the word 'newbie' not allowed here? Each time I try to submit a question with this tag, I get an error message in bold red letters: Oops! Your edit couldn't be submitted because: ...
augustin's user avatar
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Start SE sites with a tag blocklist

Despite meta tags being discouraged now, the Unix and Linux beta managed to get three posts tagged [subjective] in the first three or four hours of the beta. Should SE sites start with a blocklist of ...
Michael Mrozek's user avatar
3 votes
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How can we propose a tag to be included in the blacklist? [duplicate]

According to Jeff here, there is a tag blacklist only devs can access. Can we help selecting this tags? Should we post a meta question tagged blacklist-request or bl-request for the team to consider? ...
juan's user avatar
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Can blocked questions not count in the "x questions per page" option?

If I have a bunch of blocked tags, it seems those questions still count for the amount of questions per page even though I never see them. Can this be fixed?
RCIX's user avatar
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10 answers

Implement a Tag Black List

Based on my answer here, I would like to propose the implementation of a tag black list. The black list should contain a list of tags that should NOT be used on the site and disallow people with ...
BinaryMisfit's user avatar
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