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Why is blocked tags list only allowed to edit by the staff, but not on site moderators level? [duplicate]

Modify the list of blocked tags is only possible by the staff as mentioned here. What the problem we can face if we allow to make it on site's moderators level? Is there something other than technical ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
17 votes
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Can the [untagged] tag be blocked on the newer sites too?

As per the details in What is a blocked tag?, the tag untagged is supposed to be blocked throughout the network. However, apparently the tag needs to be manually blocked for each new site separately, ...
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10 votes
1 answer

Do not allow the author or a moderator to override an edit if it results in blocked tags being applied

Due to a feature, a user was allowed to override an approved edit, which resulted in their question getting tagged with the untagged tag. That should not be allowed, given that no question should be ...
pacoverflow's user avatar
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Do not show blacklisted tags under "Explore Our Questions" for non-logged-in users

From the inception of Anime.SE until about May of this year, the tag "identification-request" was permitted on our site. This led to us accruing around 3500 of these questions total (including deleted ...
senshin's user avatar
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11 votes
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Let moderators use blocked tags on historical questions

The Stack Exchange team has the ability to block a tag even when the tag still exists. With the combination of Shog's new tag-specific popup messages, some tags which are blocked now have messages ...
animuson's user avatar
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Would it be possible to alter the tag blacklist to work alongside the tag synonym system?

One of the most common reasons we hear for not adding things to the site's blacklist is the cost of checking each item on every single post. While I'm not at all familiar with the mechanisms in place ...
animuson's user avatar
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Make it clearer when a tag is disallowed

Looking at the following screenshot, there is no indication that google is blacklisted:
tshepang's user avatar
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Semi-blacklist tags (put tags on hold)

Currently burninated (non-blacklisted) tags can just come back (do they?). I personally don't think most 1500 reputation users have enough experience on the site to know when to recreate tags we've ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
41 votes
3 answers

Give moderators the ability to manage blacklisted tags

The request to Implement a Tag Black List was first raised back in Aug '09, but as one of the mods on English Language & Usage pointed out only a few days ago, even moderators don't have access to ...
FumbleFingers's user avatar
50 votes
1 answer

All I want for Christmas is a list of burninated tags

Would it be possible to make the list of blacklisted tags public? The list would help establish precedence when determining if a tag should be put forward for burnination. This will simplify the task ...
Shawn Chin's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Allow 10K users to vote on suggested blacklist tags

There are lots of requests popping up to blacklist meta tags. Could we get a feature for 10K users to propose and vote on tags for the blacklist? (And, maybe, to un-blackist tags, too).
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10 votes
1 answer

Start SE sites with a tag blocklist

Despite meta tags being discouraged now, the Unix and Linux beta managed to get three posts tagged [subjective] in the first three or four hours of the beta. Should SE sites start with a blocklist of ...
Michael Mrozek's user avatar
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Can blocked questions not count in the "x questions per page" option?

If I have a bunch of blocked tags, it seems those questions still count for the amount of questions per page even though I never see them. Can this be fixed?
RCIX's user avatar
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77 votes
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Implement a Tag Black List

Based on my answer here, I would like to propose the implementation of a tag black list. The black list should contain a list of tags that should NOT be used on the site and disallow people with ...
BinaryMisfit's user avatar
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