Linked Questions

21 votes
6 answers

What kind of idiot is Richard? - or: Expletives in answers [duplicate]

George Edison and I got in a discussion about my April 30 Rollback to a "NSFW" version of the famous "RichardIsA...." answer to the old "Source code comments" question. While I'm in favour of not ...
Pekka's user avatar
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311 votes
6 answers

Stack Exchange is failing its community

I guess this is very much an intervention. There's a few policies in the pipeline - here's one, and there's another one that's not been officially announced that a good many moderators are opposed to. ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
41 votes
9 answers

New year, new experiment: Login and Signup UI

In the true spirit of better late than never... We're on-and-off A/B testing a new UI for login and signup pages on all Q&A sites. It looks something like this: The long and short of it is ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

How should we vote on neutral discussions? [closed]

As you probably know, "Voting on meta is used as an expression of agreement or disagreement on contributions, rather than to point out a lack of quality or helpfulness". However, this doesn't seem to ...
ajax333221's user avatar
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-8 votes
1 answer

How to contact Jeff Atwood? [closed]

I have a great idea for the company behind Stack Overflow and I would like to discuss it with Jeff Atwood. How can I do that?
Rotem's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

What's the SO policy for swearing? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Are expletives allowed on SE sites? I've had a number of times when I've wanted to use explicit language in comments (in non-offensive, possibly humorous ways), but I've ...
zzzzBov's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Can we get an Announcement required-tag for (secondary) meta sites?

For the secondary meta sites, we have tags like discussion, feature-request, etc. I really think we could use a tag like announcement as one of the allowed required-tags. I'm thinking of questions (!) ...
John C's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Default sounds in chat should be "only when mentioned"

The default sound setting in the chat web interface is pretty intrusive, with a bleep for every time anybody says anything. Suggest that the default sound be changed to "only when mentioned" to cut ...
Greg Hewgill's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

It is currently possible to notify all users in a room

My self-censoring attempt ended up highlighting for the whole room. Apparently, most combinations of three or more non-letters after the @ symbol will work, including the original @#$£ or less ...
badp's user avatar
  • 33.5k
-1 votes
1 answer

Why i can't vote a locked question? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What is a historical lock, and what is it used for? Can someone explain to me why I cannot vote on this "f***ing" question? Joking apart, why was this decision made?
gliderkite's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

New vote-button font hasn't been applied everywhere

A while ago, the vote buttons were changed across the network. There were a bunch of design issues and bugs that came along with the change, and though a few of them have been fixed, some still remain....
CDR's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Commenting on locked questions requires 1 reputation? [duplicate]

On locked questions and answers (example), the "add comment" button is disabled. Makes sense, since commenting is disabled on locked posts. However, it indicates a requirement of 1 reputation to be ...
yoozer8's user avatar
  • 14.3k
1 vote
0 answers

Unusual behavior logging in to only (not other SE sites) [duplicate]

When I am logged in to one SE site, then type the url for another derivative SE site in a new tab, I'm already logged in there as usual. However, when I type I see the page not ...
uhoh's user avatar
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-562 votes
46 answers

We are graduating the updated button styling for vote arrows

Update This experiment has been graduated. The new styling for vote arrows is now live across the Stack Exchange network. About a year ago, the Product team, focused on improving the general ...
Bella_Blue's user avatar
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