Logging out says it logs out from stackexchange.com but that's incorrect as it doesn't log out from data.stackexchange.com.

Tested on Chrome with Android on a Galaxy S23.

  • It's using totally different mechanism, it's also not listed in the network accounts. The logout logs out only from your network accounts. (Guess my point is that it's not a bug, and impossible to implement as feature request too) Commented Mar 24 at 20:52
  • 1
    The bug here isn't that it isn't logging you out of Data Explorer, but rather that it misleadingly implies that it logs you out of there when it doesn't. Commented Mar 24 at 21:31
  • 1
    The first bug is that it didn't log you in either, so I'm not sure where we should go with this.
    – rene
    Commented Mar 24 at 22:07
  • @Sonic well ideally, SEDE will be on its own domain, then not be listed there. It is not a Stack Exchange site, it's an external project, that is hosted and maintained by Stack Exchange. (Pretty much same as traducir) Commented Mar 25 at 9:48


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